Chapter One "The Invite?!"

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"Wake up"
I stuffed my head in my pillow annoyed that someone was trying to wake me up

Hi my name is Y/n Perez, one thing you might like to know is that I have powers, wow supernatural well not really, more like as in I got my powers from a rare Juliet Rose. Which also means that I have a power/talent/gift whatever people want to call it, mine is shapeshifting into animals, like my all time favorite is a Puma, you can always tell it's me because well my eyes stay the same color.

I felt someone on my back, it was light so it wasn't my older siblings so it must be...

I turned my body and tickled the tiny body on me.

"Hahahahaha" my little brother Hugo burst out laughing, trying to get off of me, to bad for him I was way quicker.

I grabbed him before he could run away and gave him a big hug.

"Good morning Hugo"

"Morning!" Hugo screamed in my ear, causing my ear to start ringing.

That litt- wait one second oh no I won't, I know for a fact that my sister Isla will probably hear me y thoughts and tell on me 😐

I quickly got up and shoo'ed little Hugo out of my bedroom.

I quickly did my hair.

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Looked through my closet in this big room where it's like a house in a bedroom type of size. I looked through my dresses trying to find the right color.

You soon picked out y/f/c dress that looked like this.

You soon picked out y/f/c dress that looked like this

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As I walked out of my big room, it looked pretty normal, well other then the color changing ceiling, it changes with the time of day. Super cool 😎.

I rushed through my door and walked past my window.

(So instead of doors they get these special windows that don't break with their names on them, I'm currently making the artwork for each relitive, it'll take a while sorry guys.)

As I walked down the Perez Casita estate, I could see my sister Isla, Isla can read minds so you have to watch what you think, it's also why her love life is probably easier than others.

"Hey  hermana, almost swore this morning" she gave me a smirk
"Dega de actuar como nuestra Mami"
She let out a long and dramatic gasp, oh shoot, did I forget to mention she has a big mouth.

"Wait hermana please don't tell Mami, I'll get you extra cookies after breakfast!"

"Well cookies would be good, okay deal!" She exclaimed

I slid down the rail, jumped down and twirled, idk why I'm just being well y/n...

"Hola Abrelo!"

"Hola y/n"

"Hey Hugo, bud, what are you doing?"

"Coloring our familia"

I looked down at his drawing.

It was good for a three year old, hey maybe his gift will be something to do with art!

"Foods ready!"

I walked to the table with all my family surrounding to table, Mami and Papi where siting by each other, while I sat next to Isla and Hugo.

"Today we've been invited to the Madrigal's Casita for a gift ceremony!" Abrelo Edward exclaimed

I've never been to the Madrigal's first of all who where these people, secondly why didn't I know them, third Casita so they live in one too?! Forth gift ceremony, do they have powers too?

Soon later I figured out that the reason why, because I was younger than Mirabel who was the last one to get the gift ceremony and I was sick that day, wow lucky me, so technically they all had to stay back because for both of the cousin's I was sick...

BTW this was made when I was half awake half dead half motivated to do this so haha I hope it's not that bad 😂

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