Chapter 15 Memories

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I heard the voices around me; but only one stuck out the most... Camilo?

I felt alone in the dark with only the voices keeping me company, you know how they said near death can make you see though your past like an open book?

Well it can; but it's so lonely and dark without any company...


3rd person


"That's what we'll call her"

"It's perfect Hermosa"

"I know"

They looked at the little baby in their arms; she was the third born with a tiny tuff of hair on her head that was a golden brown.

Her eyes where sealed tightly closed.

"Look we got a sister haha I winnnnn"

"NooooooOooOoOo I'm the only boy 😓"


"Mom make her stop!" Miguel whined

"Sh... Kids look it's your baby sister"


The light brunette ran though the house, she was only 8 but hiding from her sister and her newfound gift of reading minds.

"Oh Y/n you can't hide from me forever~"

The young girl glared at her sister for she didn't appreciate her reliving her crush.

He had Brown hair, tan skin and blue eyes; yes super similar to Camilo Madrigal, but she's pretty obvious.

Y/n POV:
She walked down the aisle and up her family's staircase...

Her green eyes traveled up the stairs as she looked at the golden light where her own window would be engraved in the house for all to see and my own personal room unless I leave somehow like Tia Danielle who stopped living here due to not wanting to take up space.

I walked up the stairs while glancing at the one and only Juliet Rose...

It's beauty is unreal and so graceful; she looked at her Abuelo and nodded to her Abuela.

"We've trusted one another through everything and with this trust we build a beautiful world, safe from the dangers that murdered Danielle's Fiancee and forever made us stay together, those cruel people that call themselves what we shall not say will never hurt anyone ever again; but today is a very special occasion, our towns beautiful flower has reached the age of 10; which means it's time to give her a gift; that's just as special as her... Y/n do you promise to protect the people and this towns beautiful trust as well as the Juliet Rose?"

"I do."

He pushed the Juliet Rose towards me so that'd I'd let my fingers gracefully touch the Rose, at glowed as I lifted my hand and let my fingers brush against the window.

It started glowing a green light, as I shut my eyes tightly, than opened them once the light had faded.

As I shapeshifted into a f/a and than back to myself.

"We have a new gift!"

I looked around to hear cheers and everyone started piling up a single rose to gift to me, I slowly took the roses to make a beautiful bouquet of Roses; I felt as light as a feather with joy as I gave each one of the guests a bright smile.

I spotted a family like mine so I started walking towards them.


"Oh hola"

"How's everything tonight? Is everything to liking?"

"Oh yes it is"

As I smiled at the family; I felt a gaze lingering on my back as I turned to see a boy around my age, as our eyes met I looked away flustered at the sudden contact... as I turned around slowly to see that he was at the food table. I'd approach him but I'm way too shy...

I gazed at his features, he was definitely my age. He had auburn brown hair, Hazel eyes, and Gold-ish tan skin.

I quickly looked away if anything I should enjoy my special day with my family...


I took the phone and put it on record.

" Okay let's see who's gift is  better!'

"Ready, set, fight!"

As we watch our blindfolded siblings go at each other.

Isla was using her powers against Miguel who was trying to hug? Her.

As he grabbed Isla but than Isla took his arm and flipped him over while putting her foot on his chest to keep him down.

I let out a snicker.

"Well Isla's powers are better than yours Miguel even though you didn't use them."

"I didn't want to burn anything!"



She felt someone grab my hand as I stirred awake and felt a weak squeeze, I let out a small smile as I looked up to see Camilos face; he looked at me and started crying as if I wasn't real.

I wiped his tears and gave him a weak smile.

"How long was I out for?"

"At least 3 days" he responded hesitantly.


I looked at him. Camilo has been visiting for days. Yet no sign of Mirabel, today I was free of the hospital permanently; well unless I got another injury.

I walked over to Camilo as we went back to the broken Casita; I walked over the dust and big blocks.

"Oh Cami this is so bad..."

"Hey it'll be okay, I hope..."

I felt so bad for Camilo; I lifted my hand to his face and touched his cheek in a kind manner.

(Just went to see The Batman aaaaaahhhhh it's so good!!!!)  

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