Chapter 22 you might wanna read 😳

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I quickly unfolded the letter and started reading.

Okay, Y/n,
I know your probably wondering why you got this letter, and I honestly have zero idea how to say this, but, I'll say it like this I guess, Y/n will you please meet me by willow lake? Before sunset, like maybe 5 minutes? Please meet me there.

I gulped, what did he want to say? Why didn't he ask me in person. I felt my cheeks burning, just thinking about Camilo did this to me, the letter is leaving me a confused yet flustered mess...

"Y/n/n! I brought Dolores and Isabela!"

I turned to Mira.

"Wait didn't you ju- nevermind..."

Cami you sneaky rascal, it hit me that Cami probably shapeshifted into Mira without me knowing.

"Hello? Y/n/n?"

"Oh sorry Mira, just stuck in my thoughts..."

Mira shrugged it off.

"Anyway come on let's go to Isabela's bedroom, we can do our hair there, and then Dolores' for a nice movie!"

"Sounds great Mira!"

We all hurried off towards Isabela's room.


Sike omgggggggggggg I might just time skip and give you two different endings that you can choose depending on your mood

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