Chapter 7 Questions

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I walked up to Casita... I wonder what that one girl is doing? I looked at the girl with green glasses... I've seen her but never fully met... "OH!" I felt a tug on my skirt. "Y/n! Can you tell me your gift?" I looked down at the young voice, "Oh hey Antonio! Sure!" I looked down at him "I can shapeshift into animals!" Antonio look at me with hopeful eyes, "Can you show me?!" His voice filled with excitement... "Of course"

I shifted into a f/a and looked at him "tid dah!" I said in f/a language,  "COOL" Antonio looked so happy that it made my heart burst, this kid was soooo CUTE!!!

(And don't you dare disagree)


I walked outside it was dark and the air was crisp and warm as I moved around, no reason at all but it just felt right...

There once was a girl named y/n
Beautiful and bright
Kind and intelligent
Yet one thing was missing
No one knew what
Walking is calming
Children are wild
And the grass grows all the time
Just like y/n
Someday she'll believe
Love is in the air
No one knows why
But there's something there
There once was a girl named y/n
And if only she knew
That life will change
Good and anew
Her books that read
Love is real
But is it so
She questions
Is love real?
Who knows
Maybe it's a feeling
Maybe it's just the butterflies that awake when he's near
Or maybe it's the beating of ones heart, gold and pure
Oh but if only we had a red string 🧵
That'll tie us to the one
There once was a girl named y/n
Full of questions and mystery
Was he the one
Only time shall tell
There once was a girl named y/n

( Okay that was long so far dah daaaaaaaaaa)

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