21 Preparation

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Here you where standing on the edge, days where limited between you and Camilo, all you could do was watch as he soon started disappearing from your life, you couldn't help but be left curious what you did wrong, everything seemed all right until now....


Camilo Madrigal POV:

I was gonna do it... Today was the day, even if our days are limited I'll give my all to make this forever.

I've been disappearing slowly from Y/n Perez's life, just to make sure this occasion would be as special as I can make it, it was finally the day, all I have to do is lure her into my plan, it'll be perfect for my confession.

I've even found a romantic spot in encanto this was the day, a lake, picnic, beautiful big tree, wild flowers, a nice sunset, flowers, food, and finally Y/n and I....

I quickly got up from my desk and got out a piece of paper and a pen, I started writing to Y/n of where to go, since she was probably hanging out with Mirabel, I would put it under her door, hopefully Y/n would be in there but Incase she isn't I should turn into Mira to give her my letter.


Y/n Perez POV:

I sighed looking out the window, Mira said she'd be right back with Isabela and Dolores, but she hasn't made it yet.

I started fidgeting with my hands, sighing for what seems like the millionth time today, I soon felt someone touch my shoulder, I turned around.

"Oh Mira finally!"

"Hey N/n"

Weird where are Dolores and Isabela?


"Huh?" She handed me a letter, with my name on it in Cami's handwriting. Is it weird I know this... Probably, but I honestly have no more time to question myself....

I looked up to thank Mira, when I see that she had left, I let out another sigh.

Why is it when I try to talk to someone they leave?

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