Chapter 4 "Fall in love?!"

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I rushed though our little town el hechizo, sense my familia thought it'd be a good idea to give Antonio a gift.


"Hola Senorita Perez!" Called Senora Eli

"Hola Senora Eli, do you have any erm"

"Stuffed animals?"

" Of course little Perez, right this way" Eli called me over.

They always call me little Perez because I'm pretty small for my age. (Sorry if ur a tall person, just go with it.)

As I walked down the aisle I found some cute stuffed animals so I picked f/a (favorite animal).

I hope Antonio likes this gift, ik it's not much, maybe I should get him one more thing? Wait no my Familia probably wouldn't like me spending all my work money...

I walked towards Eli.

"Eli I would like to buy this f/a"

"Oh what's the occasion? If may ask?" Eli questions

"Oh there's this gift ceremony in a different town/village, so I was getting the kid a present!"

"Oh okay be careful Baja Perez, don't fall in love~" Eli wiggled her eyebrows.

I flushed a pink "Aye you know I'm not looking right now!" I wisper yelled

"Hey I wasn't either but then I met my husband Herando forever changed my life." She replied

"Tell Gina I said hola"

"I will" she yelled after me.

What was she talking about, fall in love? As if. I'm not looking for some drama right now, especially if it's only one night. What could one night even do?

I walked though town picking up little ones, yes I'm a babysitter, it's nice.

"Hola Senora, I've come for Leonardo."

"Ah yes we'll take care of him, we'll be back around 1:00" she replied


I picked up the little baby boy from the Mami's arms.

He made tiny giggles and grabbed my nose, I laughed at the action, tbh I love little kids especially babys.

I continued walking down to the Casita.

I dropped Leonardo back off to his parents, I was sad to see him leave...

"Mi hermosa hija! Your back!"

"Hola Mami"

"Food's ready, come on!" Mami called

I walked to the table.

"Sissy!" I felt Hugo's tiny arms wrap around my legs (he's small okay)

"Hello hermano"

I turned around and picked up Hugo.

"Aye hermana~"

I turned to Isla.

Oh no she didn't.

"Oh yes I did" she wiggled her eyebrows at me

"So trying to find a boyfriend" she questions

Everyone turned to me, as I felt my cheeks heat up.

"Stop Isla, you're embarrassing me!"

I lied in my soft bed, looking at the stars and half moon on my ceiling.

I sighed.

I should go to sleep.

(Sorry for the wait, guys Camilo will appear next chapter, so you'll have to wait one more, please don't hate me for this. Thanks for reading and if you like this story than plz star, comment or just read more, Thanks for reading!)

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