Chapter 12 Broken

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I walked into Camilos bedroom, today we decided that we'd watch a movie, his room had stars on the roof and looked like it was a theater a little, but with mostly yellow, orange and a little of gold here and there.

I sat on his bed and ate the popcorn as he walked over and put on f/m.

"Camilo this is my favorite movie!"

"Cool, it's mine too!"

As the beginning started playing I look at the screen.


2 hours later

"That was great!"

"Ikr I love this movie!"



"What is that!"

A vine of weird, most likely carnivore plants bloomed near the window as we heard someone singing as it lifted the up? Who would go on the roof??

Camilo looked at me definitely as shocked as I was.

"Oh no...."


We ran out of the bedroom to hear screaming downstairs as we went towards his family all huddled together in horror.

I looked in fear as Mirabel started screaming at Alma while Alma was screaming back... Than the cracks ...


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