alternate ending: Sad

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She would look down and sigh, it's been many years since she last went to the Madrigals Casita. Now she must return for her families tradition. She tried to refuse but she couldn't do that to her kids. Yes kids... She has been in an arranged marriage after things with Camilo and her didn't work out; willingly and newly heartbroken she let this happen. Her parents tried talking her out of it since they wanted her happiness but in the end.... All she did was walk down the aisle and get married. His name was Luis, he was 6'1, had brown skin, light brown eyes and black hair. He was no Camilo; but Camilo broke her heart the day he claimed to lose feelings and left her for another girl. After that she has disappeared, returned home, got wed. 4 long years later she had become pregnant with her first child, 1 more was born after that. She had one boy and one girl. The males name was named Edward after her grandfather who had passed recently. He has brown skin, green eyes and brown hair, a small birthmark was on his left shoulder. He was adorable and sweet, now 9. Then there was Leonor our daughter she had tan skin, light brown eyes (almost hazel) and Black hair that was long and silky, she had 2 birthmarks one on her throat right side and the other on her left cheek under her eye.... The kids knew that their parents weren't in love. Their Mom shattered by heartbreak, weak-willed, all hopes gone, the Father, hot-headed and filled with jealousy.

Y/n could still feel the heartache that Camilo has left with her, the pain he put her through, but she loved him so much that it ended up being the death of her. Now here she was with kids that she wished where another man's, a husband who she wished was someone else. A Casita and family who couldn't even bring her light back, her own kids scared that any day their Mother might get sick of her life and end it all permanently, leaving them behind with their Father, not that he was a bad person. If only they meet under better circumstances then maybe she would've fallen for the nice man?

Once youthful and filled with hopes dreams, now crushed the children wake up hearing their Mom's cries of agony for Camilo not to leave her, or they'd wake up to their parents fighting about how broken things where, all Luis wanted was for his wife to love him back, deep down he knew she was so broken that she had no compassion to love another the way she once did. Her only light was her two kids, who would be the sweethearts they where try to comfort their Mom, making everything much easier.

But they all knew this would happen, sooner or later it would all catch up. The two kids knew their Mother loved them with all she had left, but the years of heartbreak soon caught up. Leaving two sobbing heartbroken kids and one sad husband, all kneeing Infront of a tomb. If only he could've made it all better, if only he had fixed her mended her loved her endlessly would she had survived, if only he was there sooner would she not have given her heart away to another? If only he could've protected her made sure she was truly okay. If only her heart wasn't so shattered. Is only the pain has stopped, if only he suggested that therapy that they so needed. If only he was there for her more? But all he knew is he failed, the one thing he swore he'd love till death was now dead. She didn't even see her kids grow, nor see them get their gift. She lay there dead just before leaving to the Madrigals. And oh how heartbroken Mirabel would be, her closest friend dead at the ripe age of 34 dead as can be. Buried, heartbroken, dead... Dead... All that was left of her where her kids.

She left everyone heartbroken in her last moments she said her final words... "If only I could've been the mother you two deserved, and the wife you so needed, if only I could've been a better daughter and sister. I lay here with one regret, not doing enough for all of you, I was so caught up in the past that I forgot about everything I have now... I know my life was far from bad, I mean I got blessed with my two angels. But I wasn't strong enough for you..." She'd lay there pale and looked so thin that all her bones showed. Why? Because she stopped eating, so much pain. She'd sit there starving herself, throwing up food if she managed to eat she got an eating disorder, but through all of that she was still pretty, even her illness didn't shatter her beauty. She also got diagnosed with heart disease, which in the end also killed her young.

Guilt could be felt all around her grave, but soon they would leave for the Madrigals, bearing the sad news that could overshadow the whole ceremony of poor Lina, a young girl who was supposed to get her gift. Leaving both family in shatters once hers was also Shape shifter related. Reminding them all of the now empty seat at the table, that would always haunt the Perez's as their sweet young girl that ended up dieing young with a broken heart almost breaking all ties with the Madrigals.

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