Chapter 20 Crush~

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Hahahahahahahahaha, I know your crush, I was running around Casita, desperately trying to get away from my sister Isla, she was litterly going to murder me, no joke, she had a.... Slipper... And was attempting to smash me in the head with it.

I read me dairy, which said she had a crush on the boy, Leon from the town ENCANTO. Which is where we are staying for a month.

I was laughing, running and waving her dairy in the air, I quickly turned a corner and escaped Casita, just to run up a hill.

I was desperate, she was closing in, I needed a distraction... And quick!

Then I saw Camilo, yes my savior! I quickly grabbed onto him.

"ACK, Y/n what are you doing?" He questioned as I pulled him closer towards me.

"Can you act?" I whispered, looking desperately into his eyes, you know if I wasn't in this life or death situation, I would've totally been blushing, and HARD.

"I- sure?" It sounded more like a question, but I'll take what I can get.

I pulled Camilo closer, until our lips where almost brushing against one another.

I watched as his face turned red as a tomato. He quickly shut his eyes, I took in the sight before closing my own.

Only a little closer....

(Hah, you thought! Okay, okay the kiss is saved for a different chapter...)

I whispered  in his ear. "Camilo pretend like we're kissing, just make it look believable..."

I felt a presence as he quickly nodded then, got just close enough that someone passing by would think we're a semi normal couple, other then him being Camilo Madrigal of course.

Hopefully Isla wouldn't recognize me....

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