Chapter 18 shoot

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I walked towards Casita. Maybe Dolores won't tell. But my sister probably will... I watched as little kids got called in to eat, wow time goes by so fast... It's only been a couple days but so much has happened.

I pulled out a chair as Isla jumped in front of me and blocks me from my chair. "Nope not today sis, I get to sit by Dolores." I shot her a quick glare and walked towards Camilo instead. "Well Cami I guess we'll sit next to each other!" The teen gave me a kind smile and went back to putting food on his plate.

I felt eyes on me, I glaced up to see Dolores staring while Isla was whispering something to her. I knew automatically it was going to be chaos.

This reminds me of so many things... I glaced at my parents, suddenly I felt something touch my shoulder. I turned to the person.

"Hey Dolores."

"Hey Y/n"

This was awkward, you could easily cut the tension with a knife as me and Dolores quietly stared at one other not speaking a word... I swear that inside we where having a conversation about her being quiet with just our eyes. Dolores than shook her head and walked away.

Talk about awkward...

I watched as she walked away leaving me at the table, so I quickly shoved my precious food into my mouth and swallowed not wanting to look or start a conversation with anyone. I looked at Señora Alma and gave her a quick nod and left that table.

No one went after me and aI walked further from Casita; in order to keep things the same... I must avoid Dolores and Isla... That can't be that hard... Right?

And oh how wrong I was... Little did I know... It's hard to hide from a mind-reader and a person who can hear everything...

My mind went blank as I walked around the small town doing simple chores to help the townsfolk.

I was sweeping, dusting, planting, cooking, cleaning again, baking, selling, babysitting... You name it I was on it; just so that I wouldn't have to face the Madrigal's, but if I did I had a great excuse, because I was busy... Super busy. It was the perfect plan, the perfect escape method... Just keep busy.

I soon found myself at a standstill, wait I did almost everything I could and it was getting dark out... Maybe I should head back and lock myself in the guest bedroom, sleep and than get ready to redo everything the next day, just to escape embarrassment.

 Maybe I should head back and lock myself in the guest bedroom, sleep and than get ready to redo everything the next day, just to escape embarrassment

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