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  The dark glass around him seemed to be slowly getting closer.

    Ge Xiu inexplicably felt he couldn’t breathe, and the water flowed quickly in his throat with every breath, but it didn’t relieve this strange feeling of suffocation and oppression at all.

    This feeling was strange and familiar… as if it happened before at some point, but he couldn’t remember it at all.

    The pain he had experienced not long ago hit once again, like a burning hot steel needle, stabbing viciously in the depths of his mind.

    Ge Xiu’s eyes were a little unfocused, he barely managed to maintain his sanity, searching for related symptoms in his mind.

    Was it claustrophobia?

    His memory before he went to prison was blank, and he didn’t actually understand himself.

    However, claustrophobia was a fear and anxiety related to closed spaces. If he really had this symptom, he should have felt it already in the narrow cell. Why would it delayed until now…?

    In the next second, the needle-like pain struck again, overwhelming him, the torture that was affecting only his mind was even more terrifying than the pain in the last world.

    The wall was slowly approaching.

    Ge Xiu’s eyes widened, and he felt his own sanity quickly disappear.

    His body struggled subconsciously in the narrow coffin-like space. The sharp nails made an unbearable harsh sound on the glass, which was amplified by the water and transmitted back to his ears, making him feel as if a blade was cutting his nerves.

    The voice of a few people outside seemed to be coming from hundreds of kilometres away:

    “…what’s happening?”

    “Wasn’t it unconscious?”

    “It’s probably the ship shaking, don’t worry about it.”

    Through the frantically rising bubbles, Ge Xiu saw that the scratches on the place he just scratched unconsciously formed a crooked character–


    What happened in the past? What does it mean? Why does his body never forgets this letter?

    Countless questions filled Ge Xiu’s mind. This confusion and bewilderment was replaced by suppressed anger. He seemed to lose control in an instant, clenched his fists subconsciously, and exhausting all his strength hit hard on the place with crooked scratches–



    Spiderweb-like delicate lines spread from the place where it had been hit heavily, making a sound of friction as if something was overloaded. Then, in the next second, heavy water pressure broke through the thin glass layer, and the entire glass wall shattered from the impact and the water rushed out, bring along Ge Xiu’s body.

    Suddenly, bright light swayed above his head, and the soaked wet long hair wrapped like a seaweed around his neck and on his cheeks, countless chaotic and noisy human voices came from all directions━━

    “God, what’s the matter with this mermaid?”

    “It’s so strong, I have never seen a mermaid before so–“

    “Quickly, quickly! Get the anaesthetic injection!”

    Countless words rushed into my mind, and the huge amount of information was washed away before it was even processed.

Born to Be Rebellious [Quick Transmigration]Where stories live. Discover now