Taking Care of a Journalist

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Summary: Setsuka and Mikado have known that their boyfriend Nikei is an age regressor for a little while.

It doesn't help that neither of them have any parenting experience, but they're trying their best.


Setsuka and Mikado recognized the signs quickly. They had too, since this was their boyfriend they were talking about.

Glazed over and far away eyes, lack of body movement and expressions.

Nikei was regressing again.

Quickly, Setsuka leapt up. "I'll go get the plushies. You stay here for when he comes back." She instructed.

"Got it!" Mikado responded, secretly tingling with excitement. He really liked it when Nikei regressed, because Little Nikei was so much cuddlier than his adult headspace.

Although there was still the question of what triggered it.

Mikado brushed it off, deciding he'd think about it later. While that was going on, Setsuka dashed away, heading for the saferoom.

There was movement from the couch. Nikei was stirring, it looked like he was almost done. Mikado sat next to him, keeping an eye out.

Nikei opened his eyes, sitting up and looking around, an expression of wonder on his face, which lit up when he saw Mikado. "Papa!"

"There's my little boy!" Mikado quickly picked Nikei up and spun him around. Nikei began giggling, nearly melting Mikado's heart. He loved hearing Nikei laugh.

"Papa!" He said again, and once they stopped spinning, he hugged Mikado. "Lo' yu!"

"Aww, I love you too!" Mikado gushed. "What do you want to do?"

Nikei looked around. "Where Mama?"

"She's getting your friends. Ember, Star, Light, Honey, Spire, Ruby, and Camila." Mikado listed, counting each one off on his fingers as he spoke.

He chuckled as he saw Nikei's eyes light up. "Can't wait!"

"I know, buddy. But she'll be here soon, so you won't have to wait long." Mikado said, ruffling Nikei's hair, making him sawt his hand away playfully.

"Kado!" Setsuka's voice came from down the hall. "Can you come here for a sec?"

"Be right there, love!" Mikado replied, and turned back to Nikei. "Wait here, okay? I've gotta go help Mama."

"Otay!" Nikei affirmed. Mikado gave him a quick nod and hurried down the hallway.

Now that he was gone, Nikei began looking around for something to play with. There was nothing here except a laptop, but Nikei had learned the hard way not to mess with a laptop, especially if it was Papa's.

Nikei gave a small, frustrated sigh, then glanced outside. His eyes quickly grew wide. "Kitty!"

There was a grayish cat outside the window, in the backyard. Nikei's eyes sparkled, and quickly went to the door, opening it and hurrying outside, the door closing on its own behind him. "Kitty!"

The cat looked up and went over to him, rubbing its fur on his leg. Nikei giggled and sat down, and the cat climbed on his lap. "Yay, we friends now!"

Meanwhile, Setsuka and Mikado were returning to the room, both of them carrying plushies. "Thanks, Kado. I swear, I couldn't find Honey anywhere. Never would have guesses he was there."

"No problem, love. Now, I'm sure our baby is getting im-" Mikado stopped what he was saying looking around the room. "Nikei?"

"Wasn't he here? Pretty sure he was here when I left." Setsuka said. "Nik? It's Mama and Papa!"

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