Day of Rest

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Summary: Mikado has worked himself for his partners 364 days of the year.

Today is the one day he's forced to rest.


Mikado woke up to chaos.

At least, he believed it was chaos. He could hear loud clanging coming from the kitchen and two familiar voices.

Given that he was a pretty light sleeper, Mikado didn't know how he hadn't woken up before all of this. Especially since both sides next to him were empty.

Mikado sat up and groaned, placing his head in his hands. He would have liked to sleep for a little longer, preferably with his partners by his side and cuddling him, but no. Of course something like this would happen to interrupt that.

Honestly, Mikado was half-tempted to just lay back down and go back to sleep. He wanted to, given that Setsuka and Nikei had made such a big deal about him sleeping in today. But another clang from the kitchen convinced him that he needed to get moving.

He quickly got up and began heading towards the kitchen, blinking in both sleepiness and disbelief when he saw what happened. "You two, what the hell are you-?"

"Kado!" Setsuka yelped, nearly dropping the bowl full of batter she was holding and quickly putting it aside. "What are you doing here? You should be asleep!"

"I was." Mikado said grumpily. "But you two woke me up. What the hell are you guys even trying to do?"

"Oh, nothing. You'll find out soon." Nikei reassured him, easily slipping into a relaxed and nonchalant facade. "Now, why don't you go back to bed? We'll join you in a moment, no need to worry. We just need to finish up this here."

"I'd sleep better if I was being cuddled." Mikado grumped. "Come with me so that I don't have to worry about you guys fucking up my kitchen while I sleep."

"What are you talking about, Kado? We're not messing up the kitchen!" Setsuka protested. "Like Nik said, you have absolutely no reason to worry!"

Mikado just raised an eyebrow and used his hand to gesture to the pan on the floor, the eggshells messily cracked in a bowl, batter splashed on the counter and floor, and a juice spill on a different counter.

Setsuka sheepishly chuckled. "Okay, you've made your point."

"Tell you what." Nikei crossed the kitchen and stood besides Mikado. "I'll come back to bed with you and Setsuka can continue here. She's better at cooking than me, so you won't have any reasons to be concerned."

"You just don't want to clean up this mess!" Setsuka protested.

Nikei smiled with no remorse at all. "What are you talking about? I would absolutely love to stay here and mop up everything that's been spilled, but alas, Mikado is dragging me back into bed for cuddles! Oh, the humanity!"

"That's the most obvious lie I've ever heard." Mikado deadpanned. "But whatever at this point. Come on."

Mikado easily dragged Nikei back into the bedroom, with Setsuka calling out "You owe me one!" at Nikei as they left, and Mikado wasted no time in covering the both of them in blankets and snuggling into Nikei.

They must have both fallen asleep without realizing it, because the next thing they knew, Setsuka had practically kicked open the bedroom door with a loud "Happy Birthday!" as she carried a tray full of food.

Nikei groaned and cuddled more into Mikado, as he tended to lose a bit of his common sense when he was just waking up from a nap, and Mikado sat up easily. "Oh thank god, you made something edible."

"Hey now!" Setsuka laughed. "I'm not that bad at cooking, despite the mess that happened. Nik even said so himself!"

"I said what now?" Nikei asked, sitting up besides Mikado. His eyes were still squinted since it was hard for Nikei to wake up due to sleeping like the dead, but he was starting to register his surroundings.

"Don't start with that now." Setsuka said, despite Nikei's protests that he honestly did not know what Setsuka's talking about. "Today's focus is all on the birthday boy!"

"The birthday- oh, you mean me." Mikado realized. "That's why you wanted me to sleep in."

"That's right!" Setsuka declared. "You're always getting up super early to make breakfast for us, you deserve a day to sleep in while we made breakfast for you!"

Mikado allowed a smirk to slip onto his face. "Well, that plan kind of backfired."

"Shut up." Nikei mumbled. "You've got your breakfast now, you don't need to be snarky about it, asshole."

Mikado's smirk turned into a teasing smile. "Oh come on now, it's not very polite to call someone an asshole on his birthday." He teased. "But maybe if you did a little something for me, I would forgive-"

"If you make a goddamn sex joke right now then I swear to fucking god, you will not live to have another birthday."

Setsuka and Mikado stared at Nikei for about five seconds before bursting out into laughter. Setsuka fortunately had put the tray onto the nightstand earlier, otherwise they would have had a much bigger mess to clean up.

"I wasn't- I wasn't gonna make a sex joke." Mikado wheezed. "I was just gonna ask for more cuddles- Nikei, I swear-"

Nikei's face blushed red as he realized what happened. "W-Well, it's a logical conclusion, given how goddamn horny you are sometimes! You really want to blame me for something anyone would think?"

"Not quite anyone would think that." Setsuka teased. "Oh, Nik, did you let out a slip-up of what you actually want? Well, we can arrange that~"

Nikei's face turned as red as a firefighter. "Of course not, idiot! Don't be like that!" He exclaimed. "And besides, isn't today supposed to be about Mikado anyway?! You said that yourself! You said that the focus was on the birthday boy or some shit like that!"

That did make Setsuka pause in her teasing. "Hm, you do have a point. We can continue this later, I suppose... Unless," She said, addressing Mikado now, "That's what you'd like?"

Mikado chuckled. "As fun as it sounds, I don't think any of us have eaten. We should fill up our stomachs so we're not hungry and let it digest before anything."

Both Setsuka and Nikei let out sighs at that, with Nikei's being a noticeable sigh of relief while Setsuka's was more playful and not so noticeable. "Well, if that's what you want! Let's eat then, breakfast is sure to be delicious!"

The breakfast that was made did taste good, although it definitely wasn't Mikado's cooking, it wasn't bad. Mikado made sure to give Nikei and Setsuka compliments about it, and Setsuka accepted the compliments happily while Nikei blushed about them.

Afterwards, Mikado tried to get up again, as he had cleaning to do, but Setsuka and Nikei pushed him back down, saying that it was his birthday and he should be resting. A full day of rest.

Mikado doubted that, but he decided to give his partners the benefit of the doubt, and he laid in bed reading while Setsuka and Nikei took care of everything.

Twenty minutes later, a loud crash and voices was the cause of Mikado getting out of bed.

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