I Can Treat You Better

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Summary: Setsuka and Mikado realize that they both have a crush on a certain journalist. So they decide to see who can woo him first.


Setsuka can sometimes be oblivious to certain things.

She was pretty observant, sure, but things can slip by her once and a while. What was going on behind her, a specific date, things like that.

That was normal. Everyone was oblivious to those things sometimes, Setsuka included.

Although if there was one thing she wasn't oblivious too, it was her feelings.

She knew she'd stare at Nikei almost unconsciously, not stopping until someone else snapped her out of it. How'd she catch herself thinking of him at random times, and how she always wanted to do something Nikei would like, just to make him happy.

After the first few days she'd started to do research at her dorm, trying to figure out what she was feeling. While she was in the middle of it, though, Hibiki walked in.

Setsuka still remembered the conversation.

It had been extremely awkward at first, when Hibiki was questioning her searches. Eventually when Setsuka listed off them all, Hibiki's eyes lit up.

"You're in love, Suka!" She had said. "No doubt about it! Love, love, love!"

To which Setsuka thought it could be entirely possible. She'd never felt like this before, of course it could be love.

So now knowing that she was in love herself, Setsuka started subtly paying more attention to Nikei, trying to figure out a way to confess to him. Eventually deciding on wooing him with small acts of affection.

But there was a small problem.

Now that Setsuka knew she was in love, she could easily identify when any of her classmates were in love.

And it was pretty clear to her now that Mikado was showing the same signs towards Nikei as she was.

"Kado, can I talk to you?"

Setsuka and Mikado were the last ones in the classroom, and Mikado had been about to leave when Setsuka stopped him.

"Of course. What is it?" He asked.

"So, I've been noticing how you've been acting towards Nik." Setsuka said, eyes twinkling. "How do you feel about him?"

Mikado stopped short at the question, hesitating. "I... honestly don't know." He sighed. "I just have this feeling inside me, you know? I want to see him... happy, and it sparks something in me. I don't understand it."

Setsuka rolled her eyes. "You're in love, Kado."

"Huh?" Mikado's head turned towards Setsuka so fast she thought he might have had whiplash for a second. "In love? No, I can't be. Right? Am I in love?"

"You're in love." Setsuka affirmed. "I should know, because I feel the same way about Nik that you do."

Mikado raised his mask's eyebrow. "Are you saying you're in love with Mr. Yomiuri as well?"

"That's exactly what I'm saying." Setsuka said, smirking. "And I have a challenge for us."

"What kind of challenge?" Mikado asked, beginning to look interested.

"Here's what we do. We both try to woo Nik however we like, as long as he's comfortable with it. The person he realizes has feelings for first wins, and after that we woo him together." Sesuka explained.

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