Big Sis Birthday

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Summary: Nikei and Mikado have a surprise planned for Setsuka's birthday.


Setsuka's birthday, in Setsuka's perspective, was not a big deal.

Sure, before the accident that took her eye, she'd had plenty of fun birthday parties with all of her friends over, and nine times out of ten it wouldn't even be at her house. It'd be at a playground or trampoline park or something fun like that.

But after the accident, the parties stopped. And with good reason; her parents, especially her mother, began to disconnect from her, and she was called "Devil's Spawn" or "disabled" by everyone who knew.

So yeah. Not the best circumstances for a birthday party.

Granted, her dad had tried once or twice. That had ended horrendously, so eventually the big birthday parties turned into a simple card and maybe a cupcake from her dad. Her mom never did anything like that for her.

That was why Setsuka much preferred her dad over her mom.

But Setsuka had hope for this year! Now, she had two boyfriends and even more friends at Hope's Peak, and her boyfriends even knew about her Devil's Eye and still accepted it. It was better than Setsuka could have ever wished for.

Birthdays at Hope's Peak were a big deal. Normally, unless stated otherwise, a whole party would be thrown for them, normally a surprise party since most people could agree that those were the best type of parties. Of course, there were a few times where that kind of party flopped, but now they know for next year.

There'd be cake, presents, games, decorations, everything that was essential for a good party! Setsuka had taken part in a lot of them, and she couldn't say she wasn't excited for her very own.

All these thoughts were running through her head as she woke up and got dressed, immediately heading to the kitchen that was in the dorm that she and her boyfriends shared. To her delight, there was a large breakfast where she normally sat, way more than normally.

Setsuka quickly sat down and began to dig it; it was delicious, as expected of Mikado's cooking. He could make anything taste good, even things she didn't like such as fish. There was a reason she only ate fish when Mikado prepared it.

As she ate, she heard footsteps coming closer and closer until a pair of arms wrapped around her. "Happy birthday, love." Came Mikado's voice as his head rested on her shoulder. "Are you enjoying the breakfast I made for you?"

Setsuka smiled and turned her head to give Mikado a quick kiss. "Thank you! Breakfast is delicious, as always. I think you've outdone yourself this time!"

Mikado leaned into her praise and the kiss, which was something Setsuka always loved to see. It was just too cute, in her opinion.

She finished her breakfast soon after that and gently nudged Mikado off of her so she could stand up without hitting him by accident. After being nudged off, Mikado immediately took her plate from her and began washing it in the sink, being ever the househusband as always.

"So, where's our cute kitty today?" Setsuka asked, looking around. "I haven't seen him yet, normally he's awake and grumpy by now."

Mikado finished washing Setsuka's plate and put it away before turning to her. "He went out to grab something, he'll be back soon." He reassured her. "I got a text from him before I came to see you, and that's what he said."

The billiards player nodded, satisfied by the explanation. "That's good. Since that's the case, why don't we cuddle until he comes back? I'd love some birthday cuddles right now."

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