Maid and Mystery (Part 2)

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According to Akane, birthdays could be very unpredictable.

She'd had plenty of good ones in the past! In fact, the day she had met Utsuro was her birthday! That had to be her best birthday yet. And there were other birthdays that had been great as well!

But she'd also had birthdays that were... well, not-so-great. Birthdays back at the orphanage were never any fun for anyone except maybe the staff.

She'd had a few birthdays that weren't good outside of the orphanage as well. So, Akane never knew what her birthdays were going to be like.

Although Akane considered that part of the fun! It was just another surprise. And birthdays were full of surprises! One just needed to ask her sister, Sora, for proof!

Akane had been so sad when she first learned that Sora couldn't remember any previous birthdays, or even just her birthday date in general. That's why she'd suggested that they share a birthday! That way, Sora can celebrate her birthday with her! Perfect!

For the past few years or so, that's what had been happening. Sora and Akane, celebrating together!

But then came Hope's Peak, and the two found out that they were in separate classes, and therefore would be seeing each other less.

Honestly, Akane didn't see any problems. They both had cell phones, so they could call and text anytime! Plus, they'd still see each other around, it wasn't bad at all!

This did mean that they couldn't spend as much time together on their birthday though. But this was also fine! They would see each other later, for now they could celebrate with their friends from different classes!

With that thought in mind, Akane was skipping into Hope's Peak's dorms, looking for a few certain someones. And she found one of them quickly.

The door opened just as Akane was heading towards it, and Akane wasn't able to stop herself from crashing into the person who opened it.

Both of them stumbled back, and Akane held a hand to her head as she looked at who she accidentally crashed into. "Oops! Sorry Ayame, I didn't mean to run into you!"

Ayame rubbed her head as she looked back at Akane. "Actually, it's fine. I was about to go looking for you anyway, so this is a nice coincidence."

"You were going to go looking for me?" Akane asked. "Aww, Ayame! That's so sweet of you!"

Ayame's face blushed red at the praise and looked away. "It's not that big a deal, you know."

"I know! But it's still super sweet of you to go looking for me!" Akane chirped, not phased at all with Ayame's slight tsundere nature. "Well, here I am! What's happening? What do you need me for?"

Ayame was still blushing a fair amount, but she directed Akane to follow her. "I'll show you. Come on."

She began running to wherever she was going, and Akane struggled to keep up. Ayame wasn't the Ultimate Sprinter for nothing, that was for sure! Akane definitely admired that about her.

Akane didn't bother asking Ayame to slow down. This was Ayame leading her somewhere, wasn't it? So Ayame would have to be in front in order to lead her. So this was working out perfectly!

It didn't take long for them to arrive at their destination, and when they did, Akane gasped.

It was a party, with cake and presents and everything! And there were Utsuro, Mikako, and Yamato! They must have set it up while Ayame went to get her!

"Oh my goodness, is this all for me?!" Akane squealed. "It's so wonderful! Thank you, thank you, thank you!"

"Akane!" Yamato spun around from where he had been balancing presents all in a tower and hugged her. "Happy birthday! And for your question, this is all for you!"

Akane didn't waste any time in hugging Yamato back, and then she went around and hugged Ayame, Mikako, and Utsuro as well, thanking them all the while.

Mikako blushed when Akane hugged her, but there was a smile on her face. "Happy birthday." She muttered, just loud enough for Akane to hear. Her hug tightened after that.

Ayame reacted just like she had when Akane complimented her, while Utsuro didn't have a big reaction. He was used to Akane hugging him like this.

After that, the party seemed to go on as parties do. They opened presents, ate cake, and did other things that one would do at a birthday party.

Finally, Utsuro nudged Yamato while he shot a look to Ayame and Mikako. "We need to go get something, we'll be right back."

As he began leading Yamato towards the exit, Yamato seemed confused, looking like he was about to protest. That confused Akane, but she presumed that he just wanted to stay at the party.

After the two left, Akane turned towards Ayame and Mikako. "Well, what do you want to do now? We have a little bit of time before Utsuro and Yamato get back!"

Mikako and Ayame shared a look that Akane didn't understand, but they were both blushing during it.

"Actually, Akane... we have something we want to tell you." Ayame began.

This was enough to peak Akane's interest. "Oh, really? Well, go right ahead then! I'm listening!"

The two girls shared another look, and they seemed to be blushing more during it. Akane was definitely a bit confused now.

"Well, you see, Akane..." Mikako started to say, but trailed off as she tried to find words. "Ayame and I... um..."

Mikako seemed to be stuttering over her words, so Ayame took over. "Mikako and I want today to be special for you, of course, but we also want every day to be special for you. Since we... have feelings for you."

That sentence made Akane let out a small gasp. She suddenly realized why Utsuro had both himself and Yamato leave, and why Ayame and Mikako had been blushing more today.

"Are you saying what I think you're saying?" She asked, eyes darting between both Mikako and Ayame.

The two girls nodded. "We both love you, Akane. Can you... do you want to go out with us?"

Akane immediately wrapped Ayame and Mikako in a hug, earning yelps from both of them. "Of course I do! You both are so silly for thinking I might turn you down! You girls are the best!"

Ayame and Mikako stood there for a minute, before Mikako began returning the hug, followed soon after by Ayame.

Akane let out the biggest smile.

This was definitely the most unpredictable and best birthday she'd ever had.

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