Circus Clown

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Summary: Clowns love to have fun, all day, every day.


The second Satsuki opened her eyes, she knew what day it was.

She had been looking forward to it for so long.

The calendar on the wall displayed the date proudly, circled in lots of red marker. Satsuki glanced over to it quickly, a smile growing on her face, to check and make sure it really was here.

It really was.

With a yell of excitement, Satsuki leaped out of bed and did a cartwheel in her room, nearly knocking over a few objects on her dresser.

But she couldn't care less. Today was her birthday! After months and months and months of waiting, it was finally here!

Satsuki got dressed quickly, and threw open the door exclaiming "TODAY'S MY BIRTHDAY!" to no one. That didn't deter her. She was too excited to be deterred.

She took a leap out of her dorm and ran down the hallway, excited to see what the day would hold.

And she ran straight into someone.

"Oof!" Satsuki hit the ground with a grunt, though she was smiling a second later. Especially when she looked up and saw who she had ran into.

"Teruya!" Satsuki exclaimed happily. "Today's my birthday! Sorry for running into you, by the way! But still! Today's my birthday!"

Teruya got to his feet, brushing himself off with a big smile on his face. After he finished, he threw his arms around Satsuki. "I know! Happy Birthday, Satsuki!"

Satsuki eagerly returned the hug, nearly picking Teruya up in the process. "Thank you, thank you, thank you! And since today is Satsuki's birthday, we're gonna have lots of fun!"

"Yay, fun! I can't wait!" Teruya said, eyes twinkling as he separated himself from the hug. "But before that, I have something for you- oh, there it is!"

Teruya quickly picked up a object wrapped in rainbow wrapping paper and handed it to Satsuki. "Here you go! Happy Birthday!"

Satsuki squealed as she took the present from Teruya. "A birthday present! Satsuki's day is just getting better and better! Thank you, Teruya!"

"Of course! Now open it!" Teruya said eagerly.

Satsuki didn't wait for any more permission. She eagerly ripped up the present and revealed a new clown hat and a blow-up ball.

"I made the hat myself!" Teruya revealed proudly as Satsuki admired the presents. "And the ball came from Otori Mart. I was allowed to just take it, since I'm the Ultimate Merchant after all!"

"These are amazing!" Satsuki gushed, and immediately switched out her own clown hat for the new one. "Thank you so much, Teruya! I love them!"

Teruya beamed at the praise. "No problem! I'm so glad you like them!"

After saying this, he took Satsuki's hand and began leading her down the hallway. "Come on! Haru's waiting for us in the dining hall!"

"Really? Let's go then! We can't keep Kobazing waiting!" Satsuki said eagerly, and took off running towards the dining hall, Teruya following behind.

About five minutes later, Satsuki nearly kicked down the door to the dining hall and darted inside with Teruya, causing Haru to jump and turn around at the noise. He barely had time to brace himself as Satsuki and Teruya barreled into him, wrapping him in a hug.

"Haruuuu!" Satsuki exclaimed. "Today's my birthday! And it's the best birthday ever so far! And it's gonna get even better and better and better!"

Haru winced but laughed at Satsuki's excitement. "I-I'm sure it will, but can you guys get off me now?"

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