Christmas Celebrations

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Summary: The VOIDs decide to host a Christmas party.


"Finally! We're FREE!" Emma said dramatically, flopping on the couch in her house.

Nikei soon followed suit, flopping right next to her. "I thought it would never end!" He said. "But now we're finally on vacation!"

Hajime sat down a lot less dramatically in a chair. "Wow, you two. It wasn't that long of a wait."

"It felt like it!" Emma groaned.

Iroha giggled. "Stay there so I can take a picture for reference! This'll make a great painting!"

"Your first painting of vacation is gonna be of Ms. Magorobi and Mr. Yomiuri flopped out on the couch?" Mikado asked, floating right next to Iroha. She jumped, not expecting to see him there. "You know what, I won't judge."

Nikei pulled his hat over his head. "I'm tired. I might just go to sleep right here." He muttered.

"You know, if you slept during the night instead of working on all your articles, you wouldn't have this problem!" Hajime pointed out.

"Screw that! I'm gonna work on my scoops at night whether you like it or not!"

"Nikei, it's not healthy to stay up all night and work!"

"Ignoring another argument between Hajime and Nikei about health..." Emma sighed. "What do you guys think we should do for Christmas?"

Mikado shrugged. "I'm content with anything. It doesn't really matter to me."

"I know! We should have a Christmas party!" Iroha chimed in. "Maybe invite the rest of our classmates and decorate the house!"

Nikei frowned. "The rest of our classmates have plans for this holiday. I interviewed them about it, remember?"

"Oh yeah..." Iroha sighed. "Then who'll we invite over? Will it just be the five of us?"

Hajime tapped his fingers against the armrest, before shooting up straight in his seat. "I have an idea of who we can invite!"

"You do?" Mikado questioned.

Hajime nodded. "We all have people that we're pretty close to that we can invite, remember?"

Slowly, everyone nodded. "Oh, let's totally do that!" Emma said excitedly. "Come on, let's go send out invitations and start buying things to decorate the house!"

"How's everything going?" Mikado called out from the kitchen as he finished making a large Christmas dinner.

"Good! I think! Iroha, don't put that there, what are you doing?" Came Nikei's voice from the living room.

"Doesn't it look good there?"

"No, of course not! It should go over there!"

Hajime sighed. "I think we made a mistake putting Nikei in charge of decorating."

"Well, he's good at it, just a bit... bossy." Emma said, coming into the kitchen holding bags of gifts. "These are all the ones in your rooms, right you two?"

"Looks like it." Mikado said. "When are our guests getting here?"

Emma shrugged. "They should be here any minute."

As if on cue, the doorbell rang, causing them to jump. "See, what'd I tell ya! Hang on, I'll get it!" Emma said, putting the bags under the tree quickly and answering the door, letting out an 'oof!' as she was pulled into a hug.

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