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Summary: Mikako usually likes being left alone, but today her brother won't let her.


Mikako didn't mind cleaning.

It was peaceful, and as long as there wasn't any sticky stuff involved, she liked it. It gave her time to think, and if she didn't want to think, she could just stick some headphones on her ears and listen to music as she cleaned.

Everything had a place, and nothing could be out of order. It was satisfying to put the last thing into its spot and see them all neat. No just throwing them onto the dresser for her.

It was also nice for Mikako when she finished, to be able to stand back and survey the cleaned room. That satisfied her more than putting something where it belonged.

Overall, Mikako liked cleaning. It was a small break from her life, and everything was always better afterwards.

So she hummed a song under her breath as she cleaned up her dorm, making sure to tidy everything up neatly. There usually wasn't a lot of mess in the dorm, Mikako was a pretty clean person, but sometimes even she could let things get out of hand.

So today she took it on herself to clean everything up nicely. It was calming for her, and also an escape from the date.

Today was April 30th. And Mikako knew all too well that April 30th was her birthday.

She didn't want a large party, didn't want attention on her. She knew her classmates would want to celebrate with her, maybe throw a party. Mikako was glad to help with a party for any of them, so there was no reason they shouldn't want to throw her a party.

But since Mikako didn't want that, she texted the class group chat and told them that she wanted a quiet birthday. No loud parties involved.

They understood, thankfully. She had gotten a lot of 'Happy Birthday' texts regardless, so she was content. A few people had even mailed her gifts, which she thanked them in a private DM.

The presents she had received were stacked on the table. There were four in total; One from the Sunshine Trio, one from Yuki and Akane, one from Kanata, Kakeru, and Kinji, and surprisingly, one from Rei.

Mikako was going to open them once she was finished cleaning, so she focused on her task, making sure everything was nice and clean.

She was a bit surprised that there was no present from Yamato, though. Her brother always aimed to give her the best, so it was a bit surprising that he was giving her nothing.

It was easy to brush off, though. Yamato most likely had something being made in the process, a new invention maybe. He'd give it to her a bit later.

A loud knocking came from the door, startling Mikako out of her train of thought. She hadn't expected anyone to turn up at her dorm, especially after she sent her text.

Mikako hid a smile as she easily figured out who would be knocking on the door now. Speak of the devil and the devil shall appear, after all.

Never one to keep someone waiting, Mikako went to the door and opened it. "Yamato what are-"

She was cut off as she was pulled into a hug, eyes widening from not expecting it. "Mikakoooo! Happy, happy, happy birthday!"

Once she got over the initial shock, Mikako hugged Yamato back, then separated herself from him. "Thank you. Now what are you doing here?"

"I'm here to spend time with you, of course!" Yamato's eyes sparkled as he spoke with a wide grin on his face. "You're my sister, no way I'm leaving you alone on your birthday!"

The exorcist let out a mock sigh. "I do hope that our 'spending time together' doesn't involve any loud parties. You read my text."

"Yeah, yeah, I know. I wasn't planning on anything like that, don't worry." The inventor assured. "I do wish I could though, after you and Yuki worked so hard on my own birthday party! I didn't even know you were planning a birthday party!"

"And that's why parties that the birthday person in question doesn't know about are called 'surprise parties'." Mikako deadpanned. "But thank you for not giving me a party."

"Of course, don't worry! Do you mind if I come in? We need to get out sibling bonding started, after all!" Yamato asked.

Mikako quickly realized that she was blocking the doorway and stepped aside, letting Yamato in. Yamato picked up the present he had next to him and stepped in and surveyed the room with a smile, and Mikako shut the door behind him.

"Wow, it's so clean!" He marveled. "Did you clean recently?"

"Yes. Actually, right before you arrived." Mikako said.

"On your birthday? Why are you cleaning on your birthday?! You should be relaxing!" Yamato responded, confused on Mikako's actions.

Mikako chuckled at Yamato's confusion. "It's something I like to do, and shouldn't I do things I want to do on my birthday?"

"Oh yeah, that's true! Then clean all you want then!" Yamato clapped his hands together as he spoke, the smile from earlier back on his face. "Ooh, presents! These are for you, right? Why haven't you opened them?"

"I was saving them for after I was done." Mikako explained. "So I could relax in a clean dorm and then open them."

"Oh, that makes sense! I think," Yamato said, then looked over the tags on the presents to see who they were from. "Aw, it's so nice for everyone to send you presents like this! You even got one from Rei, and that's a huge accomplishment! Good job, sis!"

Mikako just nodded along to Yamato's ramblings. "Judging by the wrapped item you have with you, I presume that you have a present for me as well?"

Yamato forgot about the presents on the table when he heard Mikako's sentence, and the sparkle in his eyes was back. "Yeah, I definitely do! Here you go! Happy birthday!"

The present Yamato brought with him was placed in Mikako's hands, and she stumbled for a second out of surprise before regaining her balance and smiled. "Thanks, Yamato."

"Anytime, and I mean it! Why don't you open it right now?" Yamato suggested. "I can't wait for you to see it! You'll be so happy!"

Mikako chuckled again to her brother's excited face and decided that any more cleaning could wait. "Fine, fine, I'll open it now."

Yamato gave a shout of delight and jumped up once. "Yay! Well, what are you waiting for then? Open it up!"

Rolling her eyes at Yamato's enthusiasm, Mikako began to tear open, the wrapping paper, trying to be as neat as possible. Her eyes widened once all the wrapping paper was gone and the present was unveiled.

"It's a robot kitty!" Yamato exclaimed before Mikako had a chance to say anything. "See? I know how much you love cats, so I made one for you! She's so fluffy, just like a real cat, and she behaves like one too! And you'll be able to have her for a very long time too!"

Mikako couldn't find the words to speak as she held the fluffy robot kitty in her hands, and Yamato stepped forward and flicked a small switch on the cat's neck, hidden by the fur.

The cat came to life instantly, looking up at Mikako and swinging her tail, and it let out a small meow.

"Oh my god..." Mikako's eyes grew watery, and she hugged the cat tightly with a melty smile on her face. The cat meowed again and squirmed a bit, just like a real cat would.

"Do you like her?" Yamato asked. "I made her just for you!"

Mikako couldn't even speak, just nodded as she held the cat in her hands.

Yamato clapped his own hands happily at the confirmation. "Oh, I'm so glad! I knew you'd love her! You can even name her! Well? What do you want to name her?"

It took a moment, but Mikako eventually whispered the word "Snowball."

"For the white pelt? Good choice! Welcome to Mikako's dorm, Snowball!" Yamato said happily.

Mikako cuddled Snowball closer at Yamato's words, and Snowball mewled again.

No loud, measly parties in the world could compare to this birthday. 

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