Why Act Now

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Summary: Showing one's true feelings is important for actresses too.


The day was starting off peaceful so far.

Emma walked down the street happily, looking at all the pleasant sights it had to offer. Birds flying through the sky, children walking with their guardians, the list went on.

Usually, Emma had a very busy schedule, which was why she liked taking the time she had off to go for walks. It was very peaceful then, and she didn't have to think about anything else.

Except maybe puns. Emma sometimes liked using these walks to come up with puns, so that she'd have a full arsenal ready for when she returned to Hope's Peak.

The actress let out a small chuckle at the thought; she loved seeing the different reactions people had to her puns. The main reason she made them was because they were silly and fun, and she loved the mildly disappointed reactions as well as the happy ones.

A pleasant smell drifted through the air, and Emma smiled as she smelled it. Pastries, she thought, Maybe if I a-bake by the rules here, I can get myself a free one!

She let out a small giggle at her own pun, and her mind started drifting off again. The smell reminded her of something, a happy memory.

Kokoro's birthday! That was what it was. Emma and Kokoro had gone off to her favorite bakery to get pastries like the ones she was smelling now.

Emma felt her smile grow wider as she recounted the memory. She couldn't get Kokoro's face out of her head after she tried the cupcake she had bought there. It had been a mixture of surprise and enjoyment, absolutely adorable.

...And now that memory was reminding her of something else. Emma couldn't put her finger on it this time though, which was annoying. She hated forgetting something, and especially knowing that she forgot something.

Emma shook it off and kept walking, hoping that whatever it was wasn't too important. She tried to focus on her walk instead, but it had grown hotter, and it was more difficult. Emma was tempted to take off her coat, but she resisted and kept walking.

Eventually, she left the street and came to a park, a bit more crowded than the last time she was here. Emma didn't mind; she liked the background noise. It would sometimes give her an out to her thoughts.

Coming across a park bench, she chose to sit down and collect herself for a moment. The thought that she had forgotten something was still fresh in her mind, much to her annoyance. She wished it would just go away already.

"Ah, there you are. I had a feeling you'd be here."

Emma jumped at the sudden voice and looked over at who spoke. "Koko! You startled me!"

Kokoro let out a small apologetic shrug. "I'm sorry about that. I really need to get rid of that habit."

"Oh, don't worry about it! It's not your fault!" Emma said, beaming at her girlfriend. "What were you looking for me for? Don't get me wrong, I'm really glad you're here, but I'm curious."

Kokoro extended a hand, offering to help Emma get up from the bench, and Emma took it, a bit confused. "I thought we might do something for your birthday today. It won't be just us, that can be later, but I was sent to get you for the others."

The feeling that Emma had forgotten something disappeared, replaced with a clear feeling. "Today's my birthday! That's what I forgot!" Emma said happily, grateful to finally be remembering.

"You go out of your way to celebrate my birthday, but forget your own." Kokoro shook her head, but there was no real disappointment in it. "Somehow I'm not surprised."

"You're never surprised by anything." Emma said jokingly. "You sense everything!"

Kokoro rolled her eyes. "Not everything." She said. "Now, come on, let's go."

The girlfriends left the park quickly and began walking in a direction that Kokoro seemed to have memorized, and Emma watched her as she expertly led her through any obstacles in their path.

Emma thought back to what Kokoro said to her in the park, and another question bubbled up inside her. Kokoro answered it before she could ask, however.

"The people we're meeting for your birthday is the rest of VOID." She suddenly said. "Hajime, Iroha, Nikei, and Mikado. You were wondering that, no?"

"Oh no, I was wondering that! Thank you, Koko!" Emma said gratefully, another burst of happiness welling up inside her. Of course the rest of VOID would insist on celebrating her birthday with her; she didn't expect anything less, honestly.

Emma and Kokoro walked for a little bit longer, before Kokoro eventually halted the both of them. "We're here."

Looking up at what she was brought to, Emma could see that they were at an ice cream place. Which was perfect! It was a hot day, she could really use a way to cool down. And it was celebrating her birthday as well! Two birds with one stone.

Kokoro scanned the crowds until she spotted a small group of people all talking in a group, and she led Emma over to them. "We're back, and I brought Emma."

"Ms. Magorobi!" Mikado said happy, clapping his hands together. "Happy birthday!"

"Aw, thanks Mikado!" Emma gushed. "Thanks all of you! I didn't expect any of this!"

"Well, we have to make sure you have a good birthday, right?" Iroha asked. "Everyone should have one!"

"Although, maybe next year, don't go wandering off to who-knows-where." Nikei said. "We had no idea where you were."

Emma let out a small sheepish laugh. "Noted for next year. Sorry about that."

"No need to apologize." Hajime said. "Now come one; you must be hot in that coat."

Emma nodded, and the six of them went up to order. The line they waited in was a minor setback, but it wasn't a big deal; they had their ice cream soon enough anyway.

Hajime had been right; she had been awfully hot in her coat, and the ice cream was really helping to cool her down. It only improved an already great mood.

Another thing that only improved her mood was watching her friends interact. Mikado and Nikei got into another small argument about which of their ice cream flavors were superior to the other, although this time it was a lot more playful. Hajime was internally dying inside as she told him pun after pun, and Iroha was trying her best to join in.

As for Kokoro, she didn't join in with the talking, besides small answers from whenever Emma tried to include her. She was content with just watching, and Emma could sense that. Kokoro wasn't outgoing like she was and preferred to stay on the sidelines, and she didn't mind that.

Emma couldn't fault anyone for acting like they preferred, acting like their real self.

That's what Emma could do with her friends and girlfriend. She didn't need to pretend she was okay, didn't need to be someone else.

And that was okay; it was okay for everyone.

Emma may be the Ultimate Actress, but she liked not needing to act all the time as well.

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