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Summary: Spacemen try to give their lovers the stars. Sometimes it's the other way around.


Yuri looked around as he exited out of the dorm building, smiling when he saw nobody around.

Sure, he was a bit disappointed when he didn't see her girlfriend around, or just any girl in general. But that was to be expected. Females deserved their beauty rest.

And sometimes it was nice to be alone. Look up at the stars. It would be peaceful, calm.

Yuri continued to walk away from the dorm building until he reached a hill. The hill wasn't very tall, or had the best grass. But it had the perfect view of the sky, and that's what matters.

All the stars were out tonight. They were all so pretty.

Someday, Yuri wanted to fly up to a star and explore it. He knew it was impossible, but everyone had silly dreams. And hey, he was the Ultimate Spaceman. Perhaps he could get close to one and observe it someday.

Yuri shook his head and chuckled. How silly of him.

The spaceman settled down onto the grass, looking up. The stars glittered beautifully in the moonlight. Stars were amazing things.

Stargazing was an activity that Yuri took pleasure in. It was peaceful, and he didn't have to worry about any degenerate males interrupting him since they were all asleep. He'd welcome a female interrupt him, though. Especially Kanade.

Yuri smiled a bit wider as he thought of Kanade, his girlfriend and classmate. Yes, he loved all the girls, but Kanade held a special place in his heart.

While she had sided with ignoring him with the rest of the females at first, she soon saw something in him and asked him out. Of course Yuri had said yes; he'd been feeling something for Kanade as well at that point.

They had originally planned to go to a small restaurant of Kanade's liking, but upon further research Yuri decided that it was no good. So he picked one of his fancy restaurants and took Kanade there using a limo.

She hadn't been the most pleased at him, which confused Yuri at the time. But she told him that she asked him out for himself, not for his money. She just wanted him.

Something fluttered in Yuri's chest at that time, and it wasn't hard to figure out that it was his heart. Kanade really was just too perfect for him.


Ah. Speak of the devil. Yuri looked behind him with a bright smile. "Ah, Kanade! My love!"

Kanade rolled her eyes at the nickname. "Really? Love? How cheesy."

"I have plenty of other nicknames too for you if you so request!" Yuri responded cheerily, not at all deterred by Kanade's playful comment. "Would you like me to list a few?"

"No, thank you. I believe I'm good for now, but then again, I'm inevitably going to hear all of them over the course of our relationship, so maybe its best to just hear them all out right here and now."

"Well, you are certainly right about that, мой цветок." Yuri laughed. "Come join me here, the stars are so beautiful out tonight."

Kanade walked over and sat next to Yuri, and he noticed for the first time that she was holding something in her hands, which she put down next to her. "I'm not surprised that they're so pretty, considering the day, but you always think the stars are pretty."

"Because they are!" Yuri protested. "Stars are some of the most beautiful things in the universe!"

Kanade chuckled at his enthusiasm. "Alright, alright. If stars are only some of the most beautiful things, what are the others?"

"The main most beautiful thing in the universe is you, darling." Yuri replied with no hesitation, giving Kanade a peck on the cheek as he spoke.

"Okay, I walked right into that one." Kanade sighed playfully. "But I do agree with you."

"Of course." Yuri purred. "Now, what do you mean by 'considering the day'? You mentioned it a few minutes ago when you talked about how you weren't surprised that the stars were pretty."

"Oh, that's easy." Kanade smiled. "It's currently 1:23 AM, on April 12th. I'm sure you know what day that is."

It didn't take long for Yuri to figure it out. "Oh, I see! Today is my birthday, and I didn't even realize!"

"Correct on the first guess!" Kanade said happily. "But I don't blame you for forgetting, it's so early in the morning after all."

"I suppose so." Yuri chuckled. "The early hours are some of the best times to go stargazing, after all."

"You're not wrong." Kanade looked away next to her, to the box she had brought with her. "And I should probably wait until at least this morning, but I going to give this to you anyway."

"Give something to me? Like a birthday gift?" Yuri asked. "Oh, I am so blessed! Kanade, you truly are too good for me! Thank you, my star!"

"It's not that big a deal, you idiot." Kanade punched Yuri lightly and playfully in the arm, and Yuri mockingly winced at it. "But here."

Kanade picked up the box and handed it to Yuri, who took it eagerly and opened it. Inside was a vanilla cupcake with light pink frosting and sprinkles shaped like stars.

Yuri's eyes lit up as he picked it up and looked it over. "How delicious, and it's so beautifully decorated as well! Did you make this yourself, dear?"

"In fact, I did." Kanade answered. "The rest are hidden away in the kitchen so they're not stolen by someone looking for a midnight snack."

The smile on Yuri's face widened and he carefully put the cupcake back in the box and put it aside before hugging Kanade tight. "Thank you, thank you, thank you! This is already such a wonderful birthday for me!"

Kanade laughed at Yuri's happiness. "it's one cupcake, not that big a deal. But I'm glad you like it!"

"Of course I like it! There is no reason why I shouldn't!" Yuri said, separating himself from the hug and picking up the cupcake again. "I'm sure this'll taste just as sweet as you do, honey!"

"We'll see." Kanade replied, stifling her original response.

Yuri didn't wait for any more approval and took a bite, his eyes lighting up at the sweet taste as frosting got on the sides of his mouth. "Oh, it's so wonderful and sweet! So amazing!"

"Aww, you think so? I'm glad you like the cupcake, in both appearance and taste." Kanade giggled.

Without warning, Yuri pulled Kanade in and kissed her, and Kanade's eyes widened in surprise for a moment before she closed then and kissed back, the both of them savoring each other for their moments spent together.

When they separated, Kanade and Yuri gently leaned against each other in silence, both of them smiling as they looked up at the stars.

Kanade felt her heart swoon the longer she laid against Yuri.

She would give her spaceman the stars someday, it was her promise to him.

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