Scary Nights

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Summary: Panchito has a nightmare. Donald, Jose, and Xandra must help.


"Alright! Great job, Cabs!" Xandra said, pacing around the shack that they all called home.

José nodded. "We really showed Felldrake who's boss, didn't we?"

"I'll say! He literally destroyed his own comet looking for us! Then again, I don't blame him..." Panchito said.

"And the best part was the Roman Gods! I told you, they are totally awesome and mighty!" Xandra said proudly.

Donald gagged. "They could do to get some better food, though... That 'Planet Pie' was disgusting!"

"I thought it tasted good!" Panchito chimed in.

"That's probably just you, my friend." José muttered.

"I thought it tasted good, too!" Xandra defended.

"Yeah, but you're a centuries-year-old warrior goddess! Of course you'd like the taste!" Donald exclaimed.

Xandra rolled her eyes playfully, and Ari popped up beside Donald. "Apapapapapapapapa?"

Donald shrieked in surprise and latched onto Panchito.

"Uh... mi amigo, it's just Ari, can you let me go?" Panchito asked.

Donald glanced between Ari and Panchito, Ari and Panchito, until he let go, hopping back onto solid ground. "Stop popping out out of nowhere!"

"Apapapapapapapapapapa!" Ari ran away and made up a small bed for himself, before plopping down onto it and immediately snoring the loudest snore that anyone had ever heard. It shook the entire town of New Quackmore.

Xandra, Donald, José, and Panchito covered their ears. "Someone quiet him down, por favor..." José said.

"I got this!" Panchito pulled out his lasso and spun it in the air for a moment, before letting it go. It flew and wrapped around Ari's beak, effectively stopping the snoring.

Xandra, Donald, and José let go of their ears with sighs of relief.

"Finally, it's stopped..." Xandra sighed. "Well, Ari has the right idea. C'mon Cabs, we best get to bed as well. And I call the big couch."

Donald, José, and Panchito stopped their sneaking towards the couch and slumped down.

"Well... I get the small comfy chair!" Donald exclaimed, hopping onto it and pulling out a blanket and pillow.

José perked up. "I get the other small comfy chair!" He said, and hopped onto it.

Xandra looked up from the big couch. "Panchito, do you need somewhere to sleep?"

"Ah, no worries, hermana. I have a place." Panchito said, and then pulled out a big piece of cloth and some rope. Quickly, he made himself a makeshift hammock out of them between the bookshelves.

"Well, that's one way to do it." Xandra chuckled. "Night, guys!"

"Buenas noches!"

"Good night, my friends."

"Yeah, night."

Soon, the cabana was filled with soft sleeping noises. Everyone was asleep, save for a certain rooster.

Panchito sighed and turned himself over, still thinking about the adventure they'd had earlier. Small shivers ran down his back as he imagined the chase in the trees with those monster termites, and how close Donald and José had came to getting hurt, if it wasn't for him and his lasso.

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