We're Here For You (Part 1)

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Summary: Nikei runs into trouble while trying to find some interviews.


"Thank you! I'll let you know when the article's done! See ya later!" Nikei said happily, putting his pen back behind his ear.

The girl he was interviewing smiled and left. Nikei flipped through his notepad, humming slightly to himself.

He'd noticed that he hadn't had anything to really write about lately, so he'd had the idea to go and interview some Hope's Peak students, and write a few articles based on them. He'd gotten about two interviews so far, one about an Ultimate Race Car Driver and another about an Ultimate Zoologist.

Of course, to Nikei that was low standards. He planned to get at least five interviews before he would go back to his room and actually begin typing. And he needed to get those interviews fast, as in about thirty minutes he had to go meet the rest of VOID.

So, now Nikei was rushing around, trying to find someone he hadn't interviewed yet.

Which wasn't easy. There was barely anyone out today, probably because it was starting to get late, and since it was fall, it was getting colder. So most people would prefer to stay inside and keep warm.

Not Nikei, though! As long as he'd get a good story out of it, he'd gladly go out in the freezing cold.

Nikei chuckled. Thinking about that had brought up a memory, about the time in his first year he'd rushed outside in 10 degree weather with only his scarves and coat to keep himself warm when he found out a celebrity was in the area. He'd ended up getting hypothermia and had to stay inside for a week with Hajime lecturing him about how dangerous and unhealthy it was to just dash out into the freezing cold, no matter what scoop awaited him.

But now he was in his second year, and he had more sense. Maybe. Actually, probably not.

Nikei was snapped out of his thoughts when he saw someone leaning against a wall scrolling through their phone.

He smiled. Someone to interview! Finally!

He dashed over to them. They were a good few inches taller, so he had to look up.

"Excuse me? I'm Nikei Yomiuri, the Ultimate Journalist! What's your name and talent?" He asked.

The student looked up from his phone and glared at Nikei. "Why do you care?"

Nikei was slightly taken aback. "I want to interview you! I haven't had anything to write about lately, so I've been interviewing people to write something on them! Now, name and talent, please?"

The boy scoffed. "Get lost, idiot."

Nikei frowned. "Well, if you don't want to interview right now, can you at least give me your name? I'll keep track of it, and then we can reschedule for a later time. Is that okay with you?"

The boy put his phone in his pocket and turned towards Nikei, glaring at him. "No, it's not. I'd rather not be pestered by annoying little brats who don't know when to shut up, thank you very much. Now, leave me alone."

Nikei sighed. He'd gone through these types of people before when interviewing, and they never followed through with their threats. He'd been scared the first time, but his mentor had told him that they were always bluffing. So he didn't feel afraid talking to this guy.

He cleared his throat. "Look, sir, if you just-"

The boy's face turned to anger. "That's it."

before Nikei realized what was happening, the boy pulled back a fist and punched him in the stomach, winding him and causing small tears to appear in his eyes. While he struggled for breath, the boy grabbed Nikei's shirt with one hand and lifted it up slightly, the other hand forming into another fist. Nikei gasped slightly, his expression turning to slight fear.

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