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Summary: Rainbows are special things, and they're even better on a special day.


Red, orange, yellow, green, blue, purple.

Teruya hummed as he dipped his brush in the paint, applying it in large strokes. While it was a bit difficult for him to paint, he was more than happy to at least try it.

Well, it wasn't that difficult. What was difficult was that he was standing on a chair, and even then he had to reach up.

God damn being short. That was annoying.

Whatever. He couldn't control it, he had to live with his height. There were plenty of perks to his height too, so it wasn't like he hated it or anything. It was perfect for three-way piggy back rides, or hide and seek.

He could always get the best spots in hide and seek, unlike Haru. The guy was a giant, the best he could do was climb a tree and hope for the best.

Teruya dipped his brush in the paint again, green this time, and pulled it out, a bit of green paint splattering on him. Teruya giggled a bit, wiping the paint off, before starting again.

There was a knock on the door, and Teruya turned, a bit surprised. He hadn't expected anyone to come.

Nonetheless, he shrugged and continued painting, shouting "Come in!"

The door creaked open, and Haru and Satsuki came in, stopping short at what Teruya was doing. They looked surprised for a second, then smiled.

"You know, I don't know how you haven't done this sooner." Haru laughed, stepping up to survey the newspapers littering the floor and the seven different paint buckets.

"Yeah, but it's pretty, and so you, Teruya!" Satsuki exclaimed, skipping over to stand besides Teruya's chair. "You should have done this years ago!"

"I wasn't here years ago." Teruya pointed out. "That's why I'm doing it now."

"Well, I know, but like I said, I would have expected you to paint a huge rainbow on the dorm wall a while ago." Haru countered, picking up an unused brush that sat next to the blue paint.

"I just got permission today! I've been badgering the teachers here for months, and they finally are letting me!" Teruya said excitedly, throwing his hands in the air and also splattering a bit of paint on both Haru and Satsuki.

Satsuki stumbled back giggling, while Haru simply covered his face, as with his height he was only a little taller than Teruya's head while he was standing on the chair.

"Hey, you're supposed to be painting the wall, not me!" Satsuki giggled, while Haru simply shook the paint off his hands and arms, shaking his head in an affectionate way.

Teruya realized his mistake quickly and went back to painting, this time being mindful of the paint. "Sorry about that!"

"It's fine, don't worry." Haru said, patting Teruya's shoulder. "By the way, do you need any help?"

"Help?" Teruya asked, confused.

Satsuki nodded eagerly. "Yeah! It looks like you've done a lot on this, but it'll be faster if you have two more sets of hands! Besides, you should be taking it easy, especially on today of all days!"

"What's so special about today?" Teruya asked, turning towards Satsuki.

Haru and Satsuki exchanged a glance. "You don't remember?" Haru asked, a bit in disbelief.

"No, what am I missing? Is something happening today? Like a test or something?" Teruya asked, starting to panic a little bit from his friend's expressions.

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