Chapter 2 - She knows

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Disclaimer: The Show Victorious, its characters and other associated copyrights are property of someone else and not me.

Where's Tori?

Chapter 2 – She knows

Jade's POV

"It's Tori she's alive, the police found her."

Those 8 words hit me like a sledgehammer. I was so stunned that I actually fell backwards and knocked over a table that was against the wall. I had a vase with flowers on the table, which fell to the floor and shattered. Tori always liked keeping a vase of flowers in our bedroom. I kept one there because that's what she would have wanted.

"WHAT!" Was the only thing, my mind could come up with as I picked myself up off the floor.

Sara shot up in bed, woken up by the sudden noise. "What's going on?" She said sleepily.

My mind reeled, Tori alive and I have someone else in my bed. "Get out!" I said quickly.

She looked at me as if I was crazy. "Its four in the morning and you're kicking me out?"

"Yes, get the fuck out!" I shouted at her, before going back to the phone.

"Some wacko had her. I guess Tori escaped and he's under arrest. She's down at River Park police station."

I hung up the phone without saying goodbye or paid attention to the stream of curses being directed at me by Sara as I threw on some sweats.

My heart was racing, my brain was spinning. My Tori was alive. I had to get to her as fast as I could. Some part of me didn't believe it. I didn't want to get my hopes up. In the past there have been false leads.

It was thought she was the victim of a serial killer who had been plaguing the area, at the time. But when he was arrested, no sign of her was found. A ex-convict, said his cell mate bragged about killing and burying Tori in the woods once. Nothing came of that. But the thought of Tori being buried in some woods haunted me for months after that.

Sara got dressed, told me to fuck off and stormed out, as I washed my face. I had to see Tori, but if this was some hoax, I was going to find the person who did it and skin them alive.

Wearing only sweats and no makeup, I jumped into my black Ferrari and sped off. As I drove, I flipped on the news. Hoping for some confirmation of what Andre told me.

I found a news station and heard the announcer speaking.

"She was being held in the home of a 37-year-old electrician who is now currently under arrest. When Miss Vega escaped, she was able to phone police from a neighbor. Police also say that Miss Vega was being held in what amounted to small basement apartment. It had a bed, a bathroom, a small kitchen, a bookshelf with books, a radio and a TV and..."

Horrified, I switched off the radio and slammed on the brakes.

"FUCK!" She had a radio and a TV. I'm on the news all the god dam time. She has to know that I'd screw any girl that moved. She had to know about the marriage I broke up." The sad thing is that I've actually broken up two marriages, the press only knows about one of them.

Still parked in the middle of a deserted street, I got out of the car and I walked around it. I was suddenly panic stricken.

"Oh God, she's know I haven't been faithful." I said almost hysterically, as my hands began to shake. "Fuck, Fuck, Fuck, she probably hates me."

I suddenly became very sick and threw up right in the street. I felt beyond horrible. Here she was being held by some psycho and I'm chasing tail all over Hollywood.

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