Chapter 9 - Big Jade, Little Jade

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Disclaimer: The Show Victorious, it's characters and other associated copyrights are property of someone else and not me.

Where's Tori?

Chapter 9 - Big Jade, Little Jade

No One's POV

A sudden shift in the bed woke Jade from a peaceful sleep. Opening her eyes, Jade could see it was morning. She suddenly became aware that Tori was now sitting up in bed.

"Mama...I'm hungry." Said LJ, who was standing next to the bed.

"Ok princess I'll..." Tori started to say before Jade cut her off.

"Don't move Vega. You need to rest. I'll feed the child." Jade said sleepily

"She has a name you know."

Jade glanced at the clock then back to Tori, as a scowl formed on her face. "It's not even 7:30 and I've hadn't had my coffee yet. Cut me some slack here."

"Then why are you doing it, if you're so crabby and tired?"

Jade slid off the bed and pulled some sweats out of a dresser. "Because against my better judgment, I happen to fall in love with you some 12 years ago and I'm sure feeding small children is buried somewhere in the fine print. I really should have read that first."

Tori laughed and lay back down. "You're such a romantic."

Jade, as she was about to leave the room, gave Tori a concerned look. "Are you going to be ok, sleeping by yourself for a bit?"

Tori half smiled. "I'll be ok. Just don't go anywhere."

Jade huffed in mock annoyance. "So much for breakfast at Hilltoppers."

"Hilltoppers?" Tori said with a curious look.

"It's a strip joint on Pico, they are the only one in town open at 6 AM. They have killer breakfast menu. Not to mention Clarissa with the big...." Jade suddenly became aware of growing look of annoyance on Tori's face. "I probably should stop talking now, shouldn't I?" Jade said.

"You really should." Tori said quickly.

"What's a strip joint?" Little Jade asked with a look of innocence.

Jade suddenly put on a happy excited face. "Hey Little Jade, how about scrambled eggs and bacon?"

Fortunately for Jade, the child immediately forgot her strip joint query and yelled. "Yay."

"Come on Little one, I'll make you breakfast like I do for all my...guests." Jade said as she walked down the corridor.

Just as she said it, Jade could hear Tori grunt in displeasure at Jade's off hand reference to her previous overnight guest's.

Jade just smirked and took her namesake downstairs.

As they walked into the kitchen, Jade pointed to a chair at the table. "Have a seat, while I make you some breakfast."

As Jade got the stuff out and began to cook, she started to talk to Little Jade. "First is it Ok if I call you LJ which would be short for Little Jade?"

The little girl nodded.

"Good. Since you're going to be staying her at my house, we have some rules. First. I don't want to see you on the patio without an adult. We have a pool and I'm sure you don't know how to swim. That's a bad combination."

"OK" LJ said.

"Second, the same applies for the beach and the ocean. You don't go there without an adult. Third, the door on your right at the top of the stairs is my office. Stay out of it. Am I being clear?"

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