Chapter 11 - Wounded

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Disclaimer: The Show Victorious, its characters and other associated copyrights are property of someone else and not me.

Where's Tori

Chapter 11 – Wounded

No one's POV

Jade took Tori's hand. "Come on I want to show you something."

"Jade, you've done so much for me. Please stop." Tori half whined.

Jade ignored Tori's request and took her to the front door. Once outside she led the confused Latina around to the side where the 5 car garage was located. Jade led Tori to the farthest door which was open.

"Am I getting a car?" Tori asked, knowing jade probably already bought her one.

Upon entering the garage, Tori spotted something she never expected to see again. It was her green Honda accord. Tori just starred at the vehicle which was sitting there with its hood open.

"My Car!"

"I kept your car. I even had it prepped for long term storage. Had the fluid's drained and put on blocks. But today I'm having it restored to driving condition."

At this point an older gentleman slid out from under the car and looked at Jade. "Miss Jade" the man said in a polish accent. "I'm just checking things out, the car should be drivable very soon."

Jade smiled. "Tori, this is Alexander my car guy. He's the best mechanic in LA."

Tori nodded and said hello to the man, before he slid back under the car.

"Of course if you want to drive my Ferrari, Porsche or Lexus go ahead but I wanted you to have your car back. " Jade said plainly.

"You really did keep everything of mine didn't you." Tori said with some amazement.

"Absolutely Everything" Jade said quietly, before taking Tori back into the house.

Upon getting back into the house, Tori heated up some of the leftover pizza for lunch. LJ happily devoured her heated up pizza as she watched cartoons. Tori and jade sat in the kitchen and reviewed the choices of therapists.

Immediately after lunch Tori's mom Holly, arrived.

"Where's Gary?" Tori said upon noticing he wasn't there.

"Gary is stopping by his old police station and seeing some friends. He also wanted to talk to the detectives in your case to learn a bit more about the suspect and the case. He also thought it might be best if you and I had a chance to talk."

Jade who was standing several feet back, decided to give Tori and her mom a bit of time to talk.

"Vega, I'm going to show Little Jade the beach. We'll be gone for a short bit. Are you going to be ok?" Jade asked.

"I'll be fine. don't be gone too long please."

Jade walked into the TV room and looked at LJ. "Hey Kiddo, do you want to walk along the beach with me. I'll even let you put your toes in the water. There shouldn't be too many sharks today. They can come up right on the sand you know."

LJ's eyes opened wide "Sharks. You promise they won't get me."

Tori who had overheard the conversation immediately called out "JADE stop that!"

Little Jade ran into the hallway. "I wasn't doing anything mommy."

Tori smiled at her daughter. "I wasn't yelling at you honey. I was yelling at Big Jade."

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