Chapter 4 - Homecoming

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Disclaimer: The Show Victorious, its characters and other associated copyrights are property of someone else and not me.

Where's Tori

Chapter 4 – Homecoming

No One's POV

There was a brief moment of tense silence as Tori eyed her mother and new "Stepfather," as they stood in the doorway. A second later Holly Vega rushed to her daughter as tears fell from her eyes.

"Tori!" She said as she threw her arms around Tori.

Tori felt 2 separate emotions all at the same time. Happiness that she was seeing her mother but at the same time a most distinct sense of betrayal. But for the moment Tori just pushed thoughts of Gary aside and hugged her mother.

But the bliss of the first hug in 9 years seemed to fade as soon as the hug broke. Tori gave Gary a rather intense look then gave the same look to her mother.

"Gary?" was all that Tori said with a look of bewilderment.

Tori's mother's mouth hung open for a moment as she tried to think of a response. In that time the entire room became somewhat tense.

Gary, sensing the tension wisely decided to excuse himself. "I think maybe it's best if I wait outside. It's good to see that you're ok Tori." Gary said with a nervous smile, before he left.

Holly looked to the now empty doorway for a moment and then back to her daughter. But before she could say anything she spotted little Jade standing a few feet away.

"Is that?"

The little girl moved to where Tori was sitting and put her arm around her.

"This is Jade, my daughter."

Momentarily forgetting the tension, Holly smiled at the little girl. "Hello, I'm your grandma Holly.'

"Why mom?" Tori said, sounding hurt.

Holly sighed, "Can we discuss this later, now is not the time."

"TIME...TIME...You want talk about time mother. I finally get out of that stupid fucking basement after 9 fucking years, just hoping to try and get my life back but guess what, my life is gone. Everything is upside down and backwards. You and dad are divorced and you're married to Gary. I have a 4 year old brother and Trina lives in Chicago. Not to mention Jade, my beautiful Jade, who is now sedated in the other room because she had a breakdown as a result of seeing my scars. She's the love of my life and she's a complete emotional wreck." Tori started to spew out in an angry tone of voice, almost uncontrollably.

Cat put a hand on Tori's shoulder. "Tori, calm down." She said softly.

Tori quivered for a moment as tears suddenly burst from her eyes. "I DON'T WANT TO CALM DOWN! I just want something to be the same, everything's changed. I want my life back."

Tori much like Jade only a short while previously, broke down and began to sob uncontrollably.

Little Jade put her arms around Tori and began to say. "It's alright mama."

Tori's mom just wrapped her arms around her now sobbing daughter.

"I need to be with Jade." Tori said through the tears. Cat nodded, then took tori and Little Jade by the hand and led them out. It was then, Tori's mom looked to the doctor.

"Just how is my daughter?"

He sighed. "Physically she's in fairly good shape. She's a bit underfed but that can be easily corrected. She had scars showing that she's been physically abused. None of them look too recent, but there are a good number of them. Mentally is the tricky part. She's starting to show signs of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder. I'm not a psychiatrist but it's a safe bet she has that. She will need counseling. She's been through a terrible ordeal. It will take some time for her to heal. From my observations, her friend Jade will as well. What they both need, besides counseling, is love and support."

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