Chapter 5 - One step forward, two steps back

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Disclaimer: The Show Victorious, its characters and other associated copyrights are property of someone else and not me.

Where's Tori

Chapter 5 – One step forward, two steps back.

No One's POV

Jade woke from her nap on her side. Even before she opened her eyes, she could feel her face being touched. Her eye's snapped open to see Tori, now awake, touching her face. Not simply touching but, caressing Jade's cheek, running her fingers through Jade's hair, just touching slowly and tenderly.

Jade gazed into Tori's eyes as she silently just kept running her hands across her body. To Jade, it was like Tori just wanted to see if she was in fact real. As if she was an illusion that would vanish at any moment. For Tori it was just getting reacquainted with Jade's body. Just lying-in bed, running her fingers across Jade's pale skin, Tori was briefly able to shut out the hell of the last nine years. It was a perfect, quiet, tender moment and Tori was beyond happy to be in it. In fact, it was the prospect of this moment that kept Tori going through some of her most hellish moments.

Jade sensed that saying anything would ruin the moment. There was a look of peace in Tori's eyes that Jade hadn't seen since Tori came back into her life. Jade also knew this moment wasn't about sex. It was about being together. For each of them it was needed therapy and a chance to reconnect. Mirroring Tori, Jade began to slowly touch and caress Tori's skin. Like Tori, in this quiet moment Jade was able to quiet the raging storm inside her.

At the moment it was paler than hers, which bothered Jade. Only now did she realized who much she missed Tori's tanned skin. For nearly a half an hour the pair silently gazed into each other's eyes and just touched each other. In the entire time, not a single word was spoken.

"I love you" Tori said quietly just before she sat up in bed.

"I love you too." Jade purred.

Tori then smiled and moved to the edge of the bed. "I need to see if Little Jade is up. " Tori then glanced at the alarm clock radio. "It's almost 1, I'm hungry and little Jade will as well."

"Got it." Jade said as she ran her hand through her hair.

After a moment's pause, Jade said in a rather seductive fashion. "I think tonight we can make up for lost time, or start too at least. If you're up to it."

"It's a date" Tori said with a warm smile.

Jade chuckled. "I'm surprised you haven't tied me to the bed to keep me from leaving it so you can have your way with me."

Instantly Tori stiffened and her warm smile suddenly vanished. Her face suddenly became cold and hard.

"That's not going to happen. EVER!" Tori suddenly snapped.

Jade suddenly realized she said something extremely stupid. Looking over at Tori who was now staring out the window, Jade could see Tori's hands were clenched into tight fists.

"Shit" Cursed Jade. " I'm sorry Tori." Jade said as she reached over to touch Tori on the shoulder in order to comfort her. But Tori simply flinched as Jade touched her. Jade paused as she glanced at the network of scars on Tori's back.

Jade's heart sank. "I'm so sorry baby. I didn't mean to dredge up a bad memory."

"Memories, as in more than one. I've been tied or chained to a bed on more than one occasion Jade. " Tori said, her voice filled with bitterness and anger. "That's how the scar got on my ankle. From the chain that kept me attached to the bed on occasion."

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