Chapter 3 - While you were away

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Disclaimer: The Show Victorious, its characters and other associated copyrights are property of someone else and not me.

Where's Tori

Chapter 3 – While you were away.

Jade's POV

I was utterly dumbstruck. Tori named her child after me. I couldn't have been more touched. I looked at the little girl. "Your name is Jade?"

The little girl nodded with a smile. She then turned to Tori. "Mama, I'm tired. Can I lie down on the couch there?" Tori then nodded and gently lay the girl down on the couch and covered her with a blanket. The little girl seemed to fall asleep almost instantly.

"You named your little girl Jade. I don't even know what to say." She's so beautiful.

Tori sat down in a chair and pulled another one next to it and motioned for me to sit down. There she quickly wrapped her fingers with mine. Just feeling her touch was intoxicating.

"Having a girl named Jade, made me feel closer to you. I..I..." Tori started to speak as she seemed to start breaking down. "thought I'd never see you again."

With that she pulled me into another hug, as the tears began to flow again.

"I felt the same way. That last voice mail you left me. I still have it. I've listened to it over a thousand times. I'd listen to it at night, when I was all alone. When I just needed to hear your voice. I didn't know if you were alive or dead." I said, my voice shaking.

At this point there was a knock on the door and one of the two detectives popped his head in the door. "Miss Vega, the ambulance is here to take you and your daughter to the hospital for a proper checkup."

I stood up wondering if I should leave, I didn't to but I wasn't sure where I stood. "Well I guess I..."

Tori quickly squeezed my hand as her composure quickly vanished. "Jade please don't leave me! Stay with me! I don't even know if you're with anyone but please don't leave me. I beg you. Please?"

I looked into her eyes and could see the terror in them. She was so afraid of being away from me again. My heart just broke.

"I'm not with anyone and if you'll let me, I'll never leave you again." I said as I squeezed her hand. She then threw her arms around me as tears once again came to eyes.

"Thank you!" She said, just before she released me.

Tori then walked up to the couch and picked her daughter up.

"I'm ready but, my girlfriend will be staying with me." Tori said taking my hand.

Just hearing her, call me her girlfriend, I can't tell you how good that made me feel. For the first time in 9 years, I felt like a human again. I smiled and gave an approving nod, which seemed to comfort her.

As we walked out Tori said to me. "They said my parents are flying in. Something about New York and San Francisco."

My stomach started to churn. "I hate to say this, but your parents are divorced."

She paused and looked at me with dismay. "What?"

"There's no other way to put this. After you disappeared, they started to fight more and more. About a year after you vanished, you dad discovered that your mom was having an affair with his partner Gary."

"I'll tell you in the ambulance, let's get you checked out." I said, urging her on.

Tori blankly nodded and we walked into an underground garage and go into the ambulance. Little Jade lay down on the gurney and fell asleep again. Tori sat next to me in the back with the paramedic.

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