Chapter 13 - Impossible things I've seen today

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Disclaimer: The Show Victorious, its characters and other associated copyrights are property of someone else and not me.

Where's Tori.

Chapter 13 – Impossible things I've seen today.

No One's POV

2 hours and about 30 unanswered, frantic phone calls later, Tori was sitting on in the corner of the living room on the floor. Her knees were pulled up to her chest and she was just blankly starring off into space. She had cried for more than an hour, becoming more and more scared since Jade has stormed off.

By now she was terrified. In her captivity when she was really scared, she would retreat to a corner of her small bedroom and just sit there. Sit there in the dark and wish everything away. It was a little after 10 o'clock, when the phone sitting next to her on the floor rang.

Half in a trance, Tori grabbed the phone and looked at the caller I.D. it was Jade.

Her heart started to race as she answered the phone.

Before Tori could even talk, she heard Jade speaking.

"I failed you." Jade said quietly. Her voice sounded strained and full of grief. At the same time her words were slurred. Tori figured Jade drunk even more after she left.


"I failed you Tori. I blew up at you, I made this all about me. Not just tonight but...." Jade started to speak but her voice trailed off.

"You didn't fail me. You suffered too." Tori said as a tear ran down her face.

"Not as much as you did. It's so small in here, so quiet. How could you have..." Jade said letting her voice trail off.

A chill suddenly ran down Tori's spine.

"Jade, where are you?" Tori asked, praying the answer wasn't what she feared.

Jade sounded so broken as her voice came over the phone. "Hell, your hell. Just the right place for me."

Tears suddenly flooded Tori's eyes. "Jade, you're scaring me, please don't scare me. I'm afraid enough already. Why are you there."

"I've let you down. I yelled at you tonight and ... I just needed to see this place. I broke in."

Tori stood up and put her hand on her chest as she started to hyperventilate. The thought of Jade in that place was probably the worst thing that she could possibly think of. Even though her former captor was in jail and had been held without bond pending trial, just the thought of Jade in that basement struck Tori with terror.

"Please Jade don't be there. Please come back to me, you're really scaring me Jade. I need you." Tori pleaded through heavy sobs.

"I'm no good for you Tori. I raided his liquor cabinet. I deserve to be here. I think I'm just going to drink more of his shitty brandy. You never deserved this, somehow I feel....." That was all Jade said.

"Jade! Jade!" Tori screamed.

"Think I'll just sleep. I never should have given up on you. But I did and became a worthless drunken whore. I can barely stand to look at myself in the mirror. So tired...."

"Jade!" Tori screamed even louder. But this time there was no response. The phone line was still open but Jade wasn't talking anymore. Tori realized that Jade must have passed out.

Tori at this point was near hysteria, though Jade wasn't in any real danger, Tori was terrified. She spent several minutes pacing back and forth trying to figure out what to do.

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