Chapter 7 - Getting to know the family again

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Disclaimer: The Show Victorious, its characters and other associated copyrights are property of someone else and not me.

Where's Tori

Chapter 7 – Getting to know the family again.

No One's POV.

Tori ran on up ahead of Jade up the stairs to the patio. As Jade reached the top of the stairs, she could see Tori tearfully embracing her father who was standing by the pool.

"Daddy!" She cried into his shoulder.

It occurred to Jade at this point, that the last time she saw Mr. Vega was 2 years ago at the memorial service for Tori. One was held when she was declared legally dead. The tears that flowed from his eyes, were much happier than the last time.

For a few moments nothing was said at Tori and her father hugged each other. Jade looked over to the door way to the house and saw two more people. A brunette with short curly hair about her height and a small boy. Jade had met them once before at the memorial service but it was Mr. Vega's 2nd wife Judy and their son Joshua.

Jade couldn't quite get over the fact that Judy is only about a year and a half older than she was. But despite the age difference, Jade had heard they are very much in love.

"Thank god you're safe." He said through the tears.

After a moment they parted Tori looked at her father. "Jade told me what happened. I don't know what to say." Tori said.

David Vega looked sad for a moment. "It's over and done with." He said before brightening up. "But I want you to meet some people."

He gestured to Judy and Joshua who both came over.

"Is that my sister Tori?" The little boy said as she approached Tori and her dad.

"Yes, that is Joshua." Judy said.

With a smile, David Vega introduced his wife and son. "Tori this is my wife Judy and our son Joshua."

Tori stood for a moment with an unreadable expression on her face as she seemed to study them for a moment.

Trying to make the best of the awkward moment, Judy extended her hand and smiled. "I'm so glad to finally be able to meet you. David was so excited when he heard you escaped. Joshua has wanted to meet his other big sister since he got the news."

Tori made an awkward smile and shook her stepmother hand. Jade couldn't tell what Tori was thinking. She didn't seem hostile towards her new stepmother; she just didn't seem to know what to make of her.

Tori then turned her attention to the 4-year-old Joshua who was standing by her mother's side.

"I'm Joshua, I'm your brother." He said shyly as he extended his hand.

Tori who was always very good with children, kneeled down in front of Joshua, smiled and shook the little boy's hand. "I'm Tori. I didn't even know I had a brother until today. How old are you?"

The boy proudly held up 4 fingers.

"Wow, you must be growing fast. I have a daughter just a bit older than you. That makes you, her uncle. Her name is Jade." Tori said warmly.

The boy seemed to be confused. "You mean I'm an uncle, like my uncle Steve." He said to his mother.

Judy nodded. "That's right Josh, Since Tori is your sister and Jade is her daughter, you are Jade's uncle. Just like my brother Steve, is your uncle."

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