Chapter 8 - Night Terrors

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Disclaimer: The Show Victorious, its characters and other associated copyrights are property of someone else and not me.

Where's Tori?

Chapter 8 – Night Terrors.

No One's POV

A cool ocean breeze blew the curtains of Jade's bedroom to and fro, through the open window. The dim sound of Jade's snoring was drowned out by the dull constant roar of the ocean only a hundred yards away.

It was night, well past midnight. Jade and Tori were both sound asleep. That night, Tori had fallen quickly asleep in Jade's arms. Hours later, Jade's arms were still tightly locked around the Latina. Subconsciously Jade didn't want to let Tori go, even while asleep.

Even though she was locked safely in Jade's embrace, Tori wasn't safe from what lurked deep down in her mind. The dream started off as nothing more than abstract lights and sounds, twirling though Tori's mind. The scene changed into the very bedroom she was sleeping in and in her dream Tori awoke.

She sat up in an empty bed in now cold bedroom, a low chill hung over the air. Before she could react, the nightmare reared its ugly head. The door suddenly burst open as if kicked by great force. Tori looked with horror as she suddenly could see a familiar male form standing tall in the doorway.

"There you are!" The form growled.

In the real world, Tori began to stir and moan as the nightmare took shape.

Tori moved to the window to escape but and instant later two large hands grabbed her and started to drag her away.

"You're mine forever. I'll punish you for running from me, you can never run from me." The man's voice boomed as Tori was roughly dragged down the hallway. A moment later she found herself at the top of a set of stairs into a basement. But it was not the stairs to Jade's basement. It was the set of stairs to His basement.

"No, Please..." Tori pleaded in utter terror as she was suddenly pulled down the stairs.

Tori's moans and stirring became more pronounced, but not yet enough to wake the sleeping, Jade.

Tori found herself dragged roughly down the stairs by the shadowed, but all too familiar figure.

"Back where you belong, bitch." The male voice boomed, as he tossed her through the open doorway at the bottom of the stairs.

He walked in right after her and shut the metal door with a loud clang. To Tori's increasing horror, the door simply faded away leaving only a concrete wall.

"Please, no....I'm engaged...Jade where are you." Tori cried out in both her dream in real life.

Jade, disturbed by Tori's movement and talking, had begun to stir.

In the dream Tori was grabbed by the hair and dragged into her ultra-tiny bedroom. The one that had been hers, for over nine years. It was a metal bed with a very faded quilt. Tori was tossed on the bed and as she tried to struggle her clothes were violently ripped off her.

"Now I take, what's mine. What always was mine and always will be mine." He said a rough tone of voice.

The man kneeled above her on the bed; his cruel grey eyes mocked her fear. It was then Tori noticed the whip in his hand. It was when he sent the first flash of the whip across her breasts, Tori screamed.

It was a blood piercing scream that woke Jade instantly. Before Jade could do anything, Tori half awake, half asleep, screamed again and violently broke from Jade's grip.

Jade caught a glimpse of Tori's eyes in the dim moonlight. They were unknowing and full of absolute terror. Tori hopped backwards off the bed and landed in the corner where she continued to scream.

Jade quickly realized that Tori was in the grips of a full-blown nightmare and was probably very disorientated. Jade rushed to Tori but was shoved backwards the second she reached the terrified Tori.

"Stay away from me, you'll never have me." Tori screamed. A moment later she screamed at the top of her lungs.


Jade knew Tori was half out of her mind with fear and probably thought she was Him. In the dim light of the bedroom it was hard to make only the most basic details of a person. Jade rushed Tori again, but this time fought past Tori's flailing arms and pulled Tori tightly into her grip.

"Tori...Tori...Tori...It's me Jade, you're having a nightmare. Wake up." Jade said, her voice almost panic stricken. It hurt her beyond belief to see Tori so terrified.

"Mommy...Mommy" Came the voice of Little Jade from the doorway.

The little girl immediately rushed to Tori and began to stroke her back. Only then did Tori seemed to snap out of her trance.

Tears formed in the eyes of Tori's trembling form. "Jade...are you real? Please be real. I can't go back there again." She pleaded.

A lump formed in Jade's throat as she looked into Tori's eyes. It was then Jade realized just how much he had hurt Tori.

"I'm real baby. You're safe. Little Jade is here too." Jade said as she began to cry.

"It's ok Mama." The younger Jade said softly.

Tori at this point just slumped in Jade's arms and began to sob.

"My mama has nightmares sometimes. Are you going to make them go away?" The girl said as she continued to gently stroke Tori's back.

It was a heartbreaking question for Jade. As much as she wanted to, making Tori's PTSD go away wasn't horribly easy.

"I'll do everything I can. I'll take care of your mama. Do you need to be tucked back into bed?"

The little girl shook he head. "I can do it. Good night mama." LJ said as she kissed her mother on the head.

A moment later Jade was alone with a still sobbing Tori. She just rubbed Tori's back and gently rocked the distraught Latina.

"I just wanted to be with you and he raped me. I feel so dirty. How could you ever want to be with me." Tori eventually sobbed.

Jade pulled back and looked Tori right in the eyes. "Never ever say that Tori Vega! I love you and that's that. I don't care what he did to you or what you did to survive. I love you, I'm going to marry you, I'm going to spend my life with you and that's final. You excepted my proposal and no take backs."

Jade brushed some of Tori's hair that had fallen across her face, behind her ear. "Look, we can get through this together. You're going to have nightmares. I'm sorry. But I will be there every night to hold you and love you when it's done. We will get through this. I promise."

"Thank you, Jade. I love you so much." Tori half whimpered as her tears finally came to halt.

Jade took Tori's hand and pulled her up from the floor. "Come on baby, Back to bed." Jade quickly slid into bed and extended her arms, which Tori climbed into.

The first thing that Jade noticed was the fact that Tori grabbed onto her even tighter than before. As if she was holding on for dear life.

"I'm always going to be here for you." Jade said softly. Tori said nothing in response but made a contented humming sound instead. A few moments later Jade could hear Tori's breathing deepen as she drifted off to sleep.

Jade was left with her thoughts again as she looked out the window. Jade knew there would be more nightmares and other PTSD related episodes. It pained Jade to know that she couldn't just make Tori's pain away. She reflected on the fact that once upon a time she would have relished seeing Tori in pain. Now she couldn't stand to see the love of her life in pain, as she was now.

"He's never going to hurt you or Little Jade again. No one will Tori, I take care of the people I love." Jade said to the sleeping Latina.

Before she finally drifted off herself, Jade vowed do to whatever she needed to do, to make Tori happy and well again.

A bit of a shorter chapter but I thought I would show that Tori has nightmares as a result of her experience.

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