Chapter 12 - Storm front

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Disclaimer: The show Victorious, its characters and other associated copyrights are property of someone else and not me.

Where's Tori

Chapter 12 – Storm front

No One's POV

It was over an hour before Jade and LJ returned from their walk on the beach. When they returned, they found Tori and her mom had already gone through a couple of containers. Tori had two piles of clothes, one's that still fit and one's that didn't. Tori was at least a size bigger and some of her old clothes fit.

"So how did everything go while we were gone?" Asked Jade, as she came into the house.

"Good." Tori said with a fake smile. "We talked for a bit then started to go through my old things. I fit into some of my old clothes."

Jade plopped down on the couch and smirked. "You were talking about me weren't you."

Tori quickly turned slightly pale as she looked at her mother. But she was facing away, so Jade didn't see the upset look on Tori's face. Tori's mom knew that Tori was still very upset regarding Jade's suicide attempt.

Tori quickly put on the fake smile back on her face and turned to face Jade. "No, my mom has been telling me about her Job in San Francisco. She works in an insurance company."

"Mommy Jade, I'm hungry." LJ said from the corner of the room.

Jade got off the couch and looked at LJ. "Come on Kiddo, I'll fix you a snack."

A moment after Jade and LJ was gone Tori gave her mom a worried look. "I worry about her mom. I worried about her a lot when I was in that basement. I knew she was alive but she didn't know I was alive."

Tori's mom put a hand on her daughter's shoulder. She was comforted by the fact that Tori's concern for others was still very much intact. But it worried her, that the look of happiness that was always in her eyes was absent. "You are with Jade. You can help her and she can help you. Everything is going to be fine dear."

At this point the doorbell rang. Tori then walked to the door and opened it. Trina was there with a handsome looking man with short brown hair and two little boys.

"Trina. Is this?" Tori said as she motioned them to come in.

"Yes, this is my husband Brian and my two boys, Chris and Adam."

Brian smiled and extended his hand, which Tori shook. "I've heard so much about you. I can't tell you how glad we are to hear that you are safe."

Tori led everyone back into the living room and were joined by Jade and LJ a few moments later. LJ greeted her two young cousins with a friendly wave. The 2-year-old Chris seemed oblivious but the 4-year-old Adam seemed happy to make a new friend.

The adults began to talk again but were soon interrupted by the doorbell ringing once again. Jade went to the door and a few moments later returned with a woman with very short bleach blonde hair. Both Jade and the woman were holding shopping bags.

"Hey Brian" Jade called out. "There are a few more bags in the car parked outside would you mind getting them please."

"Sure" he said, before quickly departing.

"What's this?" Tori said stepping forward.

"Tori, this is shelly, my personal assistant. She has some goodies for LJ." Jade said, as she put down a large bag marked Al's Toy Barn.

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