Chapter 16 - First steps on a long road

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Disclaimer: The Show Victorious, its characters and other associated copyrights are property of someone else and not me.

Where's Tori

Chapter 16 – First Steps on a Long Road.

No One's POV

The Doctor's, office was on the 26th floor of one of Los Angeles's multitude of high rises. It was 2:50 on the day of their first appointment with the therapist that had been selected. Their appointment was at 3 o'clock.

The car ride was unusually quiet and uneventful, save for a brief time where Jade had to ditch some paparazzi that were following them. Other than that, things were quiet. Neither woman said anything to the other.

They got out of the car and walked quietly to the elevator in the parking garage. As she walked, Tori suddenly found herself getting very nervous. She had been looking forward to the therapy sessions, hoping to untie some of the mental knots her psyche was in. But actually, getting close to the office, her nervous levels suddenly went off the charts.

Tori was about 27 feet from the elevator's when she suddenly froze in place. It was then she realized she really was going to have to recount all of the things that happened in that basement. Things she had very much tried to forget since she got free. Her heart began to race and Tori suddenly put her hand on her chest as she felt like she was going to hyperventilate.

Jade who had gone along to the therapy sessions at Tori's insistence, wasn't really too excited about the prospect of Therapy. Part of her wanted to straighten herself out on her own. Jade never wanted to depend on anyone. Eventually she let her self, depend on Tori as they fell in love. But adding a new person to depend on really didn't appeal to Jade. But she knew Tori needed her, which was the primary reason for her going.

Jade stopped as soon as she noticed that Tori had stopped. Turning quickly to Tori, Jade could see the Latina's eyes fixed on the elevator. It was clear to Jade there was a look of panic in Tori's eyes and on top of that the Latina had begun to shake.

"What's wrong baby?" Jade said, her instinct to comfort Tori kicking in quickly, as she slid her arm around Tori's back.

'I...I....Think I'm having a pa..pani...panic attack.." Tori manages to stutter.

Jade took a quick deep breath and in her most soothing tone of voice said. "Don't worry honey, everything's ok. We're going to see the doctor, she's going to help you...and me."

Tori seemed to shake even more as a tear came to her eye. "I'm go..going to have to about what I went through. I'm afraid to remember it. I'm so afraid Jade."

Jade quickly pulled Tori into a hug. "Tori I know you're afraid. To be honest I'm a bit afraid too, about talking about the things I did. I love you Tori. I'm not ever going to leave you. Nothing you can say in there will make me love you any less. Now I need you to be brave for me and to come with me to the doctor's office."

Tori let out a tiny whimper as she trembled in Jade's arms. A moment later she looked into Jade's eye's. "Don't let go of my hand please. I'm really scared." She said, her voice trembling much in the manner of a frightened child.

Jade let go of Tori and took Tori's left hand. "Come on baby. Let's go."

Bolstered by Jade's comfort, Tori once again began to move on. A few minutes later they were in the waiting room, with Jade still holding Tori's hand. Tori seemed a bit calmer, still looked somewhat nervous.

They had been there only about 3 minutes when a woman in a blue business suit with shoulder length blonde hair who appeared to be in her early to mid 40's came out.

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