Chapter 6 - One day in the life

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Disclaimer: The Show Victorious, its characters and other associated copyrights are property of someone else and not me.

Where's Tori?

Chapter 6 – One Day in the life.

No One's POV

Even as Beck left to drop Gary off at the police station, there already was a crowd of reporters and well-wishers forming outside the gates to Jade's driveway. He dropped off Gary so he could retrieve Jade's car and then drove back to Jades. By the time he got back the crowd had grown to the size of a small army. Many of the reporters shouted questions about Tori as she approached the gate. Beck just ignored them and drove inside.

Entering the house he found Holly, Trina, Tori, Cat and Little Jade all sitting in the kitchen, talking and eating sandwiches.

"Where's Jade?" he asked.

Abruptly Tori stopped speaking and a look of panic briefly entered her eyes.

"She's out on the patio" Cat said as she looked out the window onto the patio. "But I don't see her out there anymore."

It was then Tori spotted the bottle of Vodka on counter and began to worry.

"Has she been drinking?" Tori asked quickly.

Both Cat and Tori's mom nodded.

"I'll be right back." She said, sounding worried.

Tori rushed out onto the patio which sat on a bluff overlooking the beach. Jade wasn't there but her shoes and socks were. Tori's heart began to race as she looked up and down the beach and could see no one. A sense of panic arose in Tori as she gazed down the beach again. Finally, she spotted a solitary figure about 300 yards down the beach, walking along the water's edge.

Tori dashed down the flight of stairs onto the beach and ran towards the figure, hoping it was Jade. After running a short way down the beach Tori could tell it was Jade. She was walking next to the water, letting the surf rush over her feet.

"Jade!" Tori cried out as she ran up.

Jade paused for a moment but, lowered her head and kept walking.

Tori was practically in tears as she made it up to Jade and grabbed her.

"Don't scare me like that, please don't" Tori cried as she threw her arms around Jade. "I need to know where you are."

Tori let go of Jade and looked in the face. She looked sad and depressed.

"I'm sorry." Jade muttered as she lowered her head.

"About what?"

Jade began to cry. "Everything? I just feel like I let you down. Not just earlier with my stupid Joke, but all together. Not to mention, as screwed up as I am I don't feel like I have the right to be screwed up. You're the one that was held in a basement, not me. I was making movies, appearing on the tonight show, going to Hollywood parties and sleeping with supermodels. I should be fine. But here I am, an alcoholic, sex addicted emotional wreck. I have no right to be that. I'm drunk now even; what good am I to you?"

By the end of the speech, Jade had broken down into deep sobs. Tori, only now, was fathoming the true depth of the guilt that Jade had built up inside her.

Tori put her hands on Jade's cheeks and made the Goth look her in the eyes. "You never let me down. It was you that got me through all the hellish times. I knew if I survived, I could be with you again. Not only that but when he was with me, I would imagine you in the corner. You would stand there and say things like "I love you Tori, you can do this. You're better than him. Stay strong for me. We'll be together again. Every time he was with me, you were there supporting me."

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