Chapter 10 - Just us

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Disclaimer: The show victorious, its characters and other associated copyrights are property of someone else and not me.

Where's Tori

Chapter 10 – Just us.

No one's pov

Tori managed to fall back asleep after Jade left. Her mind was still spinning from all the revelations about everyone's lives that she had been told. So, it took her a bit of time, but she finally managed to drift off. She did so while clutching Jade's pillow tightly against her.

It was just after 12 noon when she had woken up. Tori liked hearing the roar of the ocean upon waking up. It was so different that that soundproof, Tomb-like basement. She sat up in bed and paused as a soft breeze blew in from the window. She slipped out of bed and walked to the window. Just having a window was a wonderful experience.

She stood and watched over the beach below the bluff. It was a private beach so it was mostly deserted, save for a couple of teenagers playing Frisbee down the beach. It looked very idyllic. Tori was still very tense and nervous deep down, despite the serene ocean front view. She also felt guilty and embarrassed about the nightmare that she had. It was a bit chilly so she rummaged through Jade's dresser and pulled out a sweatshirt and a pair of sweatpants. The logo on the sweatshirt made her frown, but she put it on anyway.

She went downstairs and found her daughter Jade, watching a Bugs bunny cartoon on the TV.

"Hi Mommy" The little girl squealed as she hopped off the couch and ran to hug Tori.

"What are you doing princess?"

LJ pointed to the TV excitedly. "Mommy Jade got me some cartoons. I like the road runner and coyote ones best."

Tori kneeled down in front of her daughter. "You called her mommy Jade?"

"She's going to marry you and be my new mommy? I get to have two mommies."

Tori couldn't help but smile at her child's enthusiasm. "You're ok with Jade being your mommy?

"She's getting me a swing set." LJ said pointing out the window to some men working on the lawn.

"That's really nice but I hope you like Jade for more than a swing set." Tori said with a bit of worry.

LJ seemed to perk up. "I like my new mommy. She's nice to me. You're going to marry her and give me a baby sister or brother."

Tori hadn't quite thought that far ahead, but the prospect was a happy one to her. Tori gave her daughter a quick smile. "Well, one thing at a time princess. I think I'll have lunch first. Where's Jade?"

"She's in the kitchen. She's been on the phone all morning."

"Ok princess. I'll get you some lunch in a bit." Tori said before she left.

Tori walked into the large kitchen and at the far end sitting at the table was Jade. Her laptop was on and some papers and notes were scattered all around it.

"So, she'll be here on next Thursday then, good. Thanks Shelly. I'll see you in a while. Thanks." Jade said as she hung up the phone.

Before Jade could say anything, Tori pointed to the Chi Omega Sorority sweatshirt she was now wearing.

"I didn't know you attended the Chi Omega sorority?" Tori said with an overly sweet, but fake, smile.

Jade cringed slightly, but said nothing, as a look of guilt crept into her eyes.

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