Chapter 14 - Haunt thy native place

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Disclaimer: The Show Victorious, its characters and other associated copyrights are property of someone else and not me.

Where's Tori

Chapter 14 – Haunt thy native place

No one's Pov.

Slowly Tori walked down the steps, her heart seeming to beat faster with each step. At the same time her nerves seem to become more frayed with forward movement of her shaking form. Finally, she made it down to the landing at the bottom. On the left was a plain door which Tori knew, lead to the room with the furnace, water heater and a small workshop.

Straight ahead was an open door. Anyone looking at the door would notice, that it was made of metal and had a very heavy lock. Tori hated that door more than anything, it being the primary barrier between her and freedom.

But now it just sat open, it looked almost inviting. That alone made Tori feel more unsettled.

Tori closed her eyes and took a deep breath. She could barely think straight, her nerves were shot. Giving herself a final bit of resolve, Tori once again stepped across the threshold into her private hell.

The basement appeared to be very much like a small apartment. The floor had faded blue carpeting and the walls were wood paneling. Inside and to the immediate right was a small kitchen and small was the word. It had a stove, refrigerator, cabinets, sink and microwave. To the immediate left was a closet that doubled as a storage closet and pantry. On the far side of the kitchen was another door which led to a tiny laundry room.

Just past the kitchen and pantry the area, it opened up into a small living room. On the right was a small entertainment center. Flanking the entertainment center were two large bookshelves, each shelf filled to the brim with books. In her time there, Tori had read every single one of them. There were toys scattered about on the floor in a haphazard fashion. In one corner there were some storage tubs with various items, that weren't used too often. Normally Tori kept her quarters very neat but felt no obligation to clean up when she was escaping.

There were two other doorways leading out of the living room. One door that was located in the far corner led to a bathroom. The other door in center of the wall opened to a small hall way. At the end of hallway were 3 doors.

The one in the center was a linen closet. The one on the right was Little Jade's room and the one of the left, was Tori's room.

It would seem like a normal basement apartment, albeit rather cramped and stuffy, not to mention quiet. The walls had been soundproofed and all basement windows were bricked up long ago. In the early days Tori damaged things to try to show her displeasure that she was being held captive. Several of the scars on her back came as a result of her punishment for such actions.

It looked like an apartment but Tori knew better; it was a prison. Of course, it appeared pretty much as she had left it. She knew the police had obviously been there. On the counter in the kitchen was an unused police evidence bag that some officer had probably forgotten during their search.

Tori half expected Jade to be on the brown couch that sat opposite the entertainment center, but she wasn't. Before she went any further into the apartment, Tori took the trash can from the kitchen and put it in front of the exit door so it wouldn't move. It probably wouldn't move in any case, unless someone actually tried to shut it. But it made Tori feel just a bit better to know that she had put something in front of it.

Tori walked into the apartment and went to where she guessed Jade would be; her old bedroom.

Tori's room was very small, a double bed, sat in one corner. A wooden dresser and a small vanity were the only other pieces of furniture in the room. A small closet sat open, along one wall.

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