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The strong breeze blew away the leaf, the man-turned-legend, was holding. The man sighed as he looked at the village he had failed. 

Where did I go wrong?

he asked himself.

With another sigh, the man disappeared like the wind itself.


It was a fairly bright day, a young Hiruzen was basking in the sun, meditating. He soon heard a rustling in the leaves, but disregarded it as a wild animal and concentrated to the task assigned by his sensei.

But the twelve-year-old got curious as soon as he heard the rough coughing of a grown up man. Hiruzen opened his eyes slowly and looked behind, only to see a man in his thirties, wearing the standard uchiha clothes. His hair covered the entire right side of his face, and the man wore a slight smile.

"Who are you?" Hiruzen asked, instantly alert as he got up and pulled out a kunai. The man, however, merely waved his hands and sat down in a lotus position. Upon seeing this, Hiruzen reluctantly put his guard down.

"I am Uchiha Madara"

Hiruzen instantly bought his kunai up and made some distance between him and the man now identified as Madara. "You are supposed to be dead!" Hiruzen shouted as he started eyeing the self-proclaimed Uchiha Madara warily.

The man laughed as he looked at the young boy, "Incorrect. I am rumoured to be dead."

The man continued with his chin in his hands, "After my battle with Senju Hashirama, I was gravely injured and there was no way I could have survived. If I was not helped that is and guess what? I was helped by a beauty nonetheless."

"So here I am to admire the village that me and Hashirama have created.", Madara finished as he looked at the surprised face of Hiruzen.

Hiruzen gawked at Madara ,"Do you hold any ill-intent towards the village?" Hiruzen asked with a certain amount of authority.

"No, I simply want to achieve world peace by any means necessary." The man replied, but kept the last part to himself.


Hiruzen was having a rough day, no scratch that, a fucking ridiculous day.

It was fine that he accidentally spilled water over his paperwork, it was also fine that Danzo just had to bring up Naruto in the council meeting, which started a conflict. And it was also fine that he got more paperwork than regular because of the admission in the ninja academy for the 7-year-old children.

But the thing not fine was Uchiha Madara sitting right in front of him, and his personal anbu knocked out by him.

"Alright, so let me get this straight, you are the same Madara I met 50 years ago?" Sarutobi asked really confused because the man sitting in front of him was supposed to be older than him, and by 20 years at that.

The man in front of Hiruzen laughed, "I used izanagi to reverse time on myself. I am back in my prime, but I will die of old age nonetheless. I can only change my physical properties, not the time I have spent over here" Madara explained.

Common Enemy - A Naruto fanfic (narutoxfemsasuke)Where stories live. Discover now