380 11 3



"tailed beast talking"

'tailed beast thinking'

italics means emphasis also sometimes



The fireballs rapidly made their way towards Naruto, who stood there dumbfounded. 'Could it be Madara or is it Itachi'.

All the fireball hit Naruto, point-blank. He flew back, while in the air he did a backflip and gracefully landed on the floor. Satsuki wasted no time and charged towards Naruto, ready to end this man's Shinobi career before it even started.

She jumped in the air, did a front flip and axe kicked Naruto, which was about to hit, but Naruto caught it with both his hands. The force caused Naruto's feet to sink in the ground, leaving cracks around the ground. 

It was Naruto's chance, he tightened his grip and started spinning. Satsuki struggled, the force of the spin making her nauseous, she had to do something quick or else defeat was guaranteed.

She started weaving hand signs "fire style" she shouted "fireball jutsu" and breathed out a large fireball headed straight for Naruto, who had no choice but to let go and jump back. 

He was about to leap again at her, but the bell rang, signalling 5 minutes were up. Naruto sighed, dissipating the chakra that he had focused and stepped out of the ring, not before paying his respects to the battleground and his opponent. 

The academic tests ended and everyone was excited about the result, few were anxious. 

Naruto was sitting at the corner next to Satsuki who now had a bandage on her nose and two cotton balls up her nostril. She was staring murderously at Naruto.

"OK what's up with the stare short kid" Naruto asked more like stated, turning towards Satsuki. She glared at him, "I am not short" she growled, seemingly ready to kill Naruto if he breathed the same air as her again.

Naruto sighed, "but you are" he said in a matter of fact tone. This pushed the uchiha over the edge, she got a hold of his collar and growled at him, "you better stay in limits or else I will burn you."

Naruto smirked, but said nothing, she let him go in a good 5 seconds. 

The hokage, Hiruzen Sarutobi walked in, with his hands folded behind his back, he smiled kindly at the children, "listen up everyone" Iruka gathered the children's attention.

Once everyone's attention was on the hokage, he spoke "Ok everyone, we have gone over the results and made the teams, the results are rather disappointing, seeing most of you have not made it as a genin." He continued, "team 1 consists of Yamanaka Ino, Akimichi Choji and Nara Shikamaru, please make your way to room number 22".

"Team 2 consists of Inarazaki Kiba, Hyuuga Hinata and Aburame Shino, please make your way to room number 23" after the two teams had left he continued "the last team, team 3 consists of Haruno Sakura, Uchiha Satsuki and Uzumaki Naruto. Make your way to room number 24" 

That being said, the trio made their way to their assigned room. "I sure do hope we have a nice sensei" Sakura spoke, quite needlessly if you had asked Naruto, but he disregarded it as 'breaking the ice' between teammates. 

Satsuki gave a small 'hn' followed by a nod, as if to say she agreed. Naruto wasn't in the mood to make small talk.

Soon they reached their assigned room, for some weird reason all the three consecutive rooms 22, 23 and 24 were joint rooms. 

Naruto sighed as he and his teammates made their way in. "Oh lookie who is here, if it isn't the all high and might uchiha sama" a rather obnoxious voice spoke up. Naruto looked up to who Naruto supposed was Ino Yamanaka. 

"Shut up Ino" Sakura ordered as the trio sat down.

The door soon slid open, three people walked in, two men and one woman. All of them, Naruto sensed, had jonin level chakra, except the woman she seemed she was just there but not quite. 

"Hello everyone, my name is Hatake Kakashi and these are my comrades, now let's make it clear. You all sure have passed the test, but that doesn't make you genin, we hold the power to throw you out at any time and at any second. We have just one more test to take, but we shall discuss that later. For now, I would like to tell you that the nine of you will not be staying in your own apartment and flats but will move to a genin base which is located at the old run down library. I expect to see you all there sharp at 0500 hours tomorrow. Right now all of you are supposed to go to the hokage office so get your ass moving" 

With that command, the three jonin disappeared in a flash. Leaving the students in confusion. Satsuki was the first one to stand up and make her way out, soon everyone joined her in the trip to the hokage's office.

Once everyone was there, the sandaime hokage began "everyone, I expect this to be a shock but all you are supposed to leave your old lives and things behind. Take this as your first pay, but with this pay you are strictly allowed only to buy new clothes for training and weapons for training related drills. This shall be done with your own teams. Your parents have been informed, today shall be your last day with them for as long as you are genins." 

With that each team was given a sum of 3000 yen in total. 

Naruto, Satsuki and Sakura made their way outside "I will go and meet my parents once, and then let's meet up at ichiraku ramen, so we can go shop later" Sakura suggested with hope. 

Naruto and Satsuki agreed to meet up there in about 2 hours, with that they both were left alone.

Satsuki started making her way towards her home, but to her annoyance and surprise, Naruto followed her, "hey! As we are teammates now let's hang out together" Naruto proposed. 

Satsuki looked at him rather scornfully but acted rationally, this boy was her enemy and she had to gain some intel on him, so she decided she would agree to it.

"Great!" Naruto exclaimed with fake excitement as he grabbed her hand and dragged her along to he didn't know where.

Satsuki blushed, and pulled her hand away. She glared at Naruto, giving the 'I will kill you' vibes.

Once they were somewhere a little more isolated, Naruto fired his shots, "Where is Itachi?" this question left Satsuki flustered, "I don't know what you are talking about" she replied.

Naruto, in a flash of a moment, banged his head with Satsuki's and stared directly into her soul, "I will not repeat myself, where is Itachi?" he whispered menacingly. He had to know, it was vital for his mission. 

"I know he trained you" he stated with satisfaction as he pulled back. Satsuki still in a dazed state looked absent-mindedly at him, then as though something had snapped in her, she flared her chakra and growled at him "I have no need to answer you, I will do as I want to" she said and then disappeared in a flash. 

'So she is trained, I just have to confirm from whom, if it is indeed Itachi I might have a chance to-' 

"Kid calm down, not so soon." 

Kurama reminded him as Naruto continued his walk to ichiraku.

Naruto nodded, indeed not so soon, but he had to get stronger, way above jonin. He had to, for the shared dream, he had to for all the broken hearts, he had to for all the shed blood, he must shed blood once more but not just yet.


There it is, one more done, hope full one will come out tomorrow too. My school will start soon the updates will be weekly but fret not they will surely be there at least twice a week.

Thank you for reading and share opinions with me please do they help me grow as a writer and I know this chapter was dry and boring, but the next chapter has romance in it the strike of love between our two love birds can't wait to write it

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