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This world truly was rotten. Living a life of mere 13 years, Naruto knew the fact more than anyone alive. He had seen things that are undescribable. His mind had been shattered. 

Madara was after all evil. No matter what you try to do, your nature always remains the same. Good intentions can also be executed in bad ways. 

Naruto was just a mere failure of Madara's. A failure Madara had all hopes on. Which was weighing on Naruto. 

This reality was fucked. 

"Man, I am starving." Naruto whined as he looked around at his teammates, who seemed to ignore him.

"Naruto stop whining." Satsuki spoke irritated, without ever averting her gaze from the road up ahead.

Suddenly something rustled in the bushes. Without thinking twice, Naruto threw a kunai in that direction. There was a screech from an animal, it was a feeble voice.

Naruto went to check it out, only to see a snow bunny.

Before anyone could say anything, thick mist started to engulf the area. To the point, nothing could be seen 2 meters in front of them. 

"DUCK" Kakashi shouted as he got Tazuna and Sakura's head down with him. Naruto and Satsuki too did the same. 

A large sword swung from the top of them, and like a boomerang curved and embedded itself into a tree. 

A man appeared on top of the sword. He has bandages wrapped all over his face except his eyes. He had bandages all over his body too. 

"Kakashi of the sharingan, the man known to copy a thousand different jutsus. Kakashi the copy ninja. It is an honor to meet you." 

"Zabuza Momochi, the master of the silent kill" Kakashi whispered. 

Kakashi pulled up his headband, which, revealing a 3 tomoe sharingan in all its glory. Now Kakashi could see everything, his sharingan allowing him to see through the chakra enlaced mist. 

"I wonder which body part to cut, I could-" Zabuza was cut off

"You are not cutting shit Zabuza" Naruto shouted "Wind style: great breakthrough". 

A huge gust of wind erupted from Naruto's mouth, which swept away the mist. Kakashi smiled, "good job Naruto" he said as he charged at Zabuza. 

Zabuza led Kakashi to the water, and as soon as they were a good few meters from the land Zabuza smirked, "Water style: water prison jutsu" he shouted as Kakashi was trapped in a water prison.

"RUN" Kakashi shouted, "get away with client, run away" He said in desperation. 

Naruto shook his head. "Protect the client, both of you." Naruto ordered his teammates. 

Without saying anything else, Naruto charged front at Zabuza. "A young brat trying to take me on?" Zabuza mocked as he created 5 clones. 

Naruto pulled out his blue tinted sword. The blade caught fire as he sliced through 2 at once. 

The third clone charged at him, with the huge sword. Naruto too swung his sword, both swords clashing, the sound emitted in an echo. The fourth clone charged at Naruto, with his sword ready to decapitate Naruto. 

Naruto pushed Zabuza's clone and jumped up. With a fast hand movement, he created seals "Katon: Gouka mekakyu" He shouted as a large wall of fire erupted from his mouth, taking all the clones down and burning a few trees.

Without stopping, Naruto charged at Zabuza. Who had no choice but to let the water prison go, Setting Kakashi free. 

Naruto, didn't stop, he was in a trance. "More" he whispered as he engaged in a fight with Zabuza. 

Swinging his sword at high speed, which was giving Zabuza a hard time. Swinging in all directions, all blows being parried by Zabuza. 

"Damn you kid" Zabuza cursed as he found an opening and kicked Naruto hard in the gut, sending him flying crashing into several trees back to back.

The whole place seemed to quiet down. Naruto got up, limping.

His clothes torn. 

"More" He whispered.

"MORE" He shouted now as he looked up, his right eye spinning wildly with the eternal mangekyou. 

He charged at Zabuza in blind rage, his forehead bleeding, blurring his vision from the right eye, but he didn't care.

With a few inches away from Zabuza, Naruto cocked up his fist, ready to smash Zabuza's skull with his bare hands.

Zabuza, smirked as he pulled a kunai out, ready to plunge it in Naruto's heart. 

Naruto glared at the kunai, he saw the kunai in slow motion, about to embed itself in his chest. But before it could. The kunai disintegrated under Naruto's glare. Zabuza's eye widened, "how-".

Naruto's fist met its mark, cracking Zabuza's nose. As he flew back, hitting water and crashing his back into a tree. 

Naruto gripped his sword tighter. "This is it Momochi, now die" he whispered. But before he could charge at him. Two senbon needles found its way to Zabuza's neck. A hunter nin appeared there, bowed and then disappeared without saying anything, sensing danger from the black clad ninja. 

Naruto turned around, growling as he looked at another unfamiliar face, Tazuna. Without thinking, he jumped and rushed at Tazuna. "You tricked us, I didn't think twice about it then, but you could have caused us all to die, just like that Momochi." 

But before Naruto could say anything further, he was knocked out by Satsuki. "It's okay Naruto" she soothed him as she took him into her arms, "calm down now" she rubbed his back, as Naruto's haywire chakra seeped back into his body. 

Kakashi walked up to them and picked Naruto up. "Let's continue, shall we?" 


Madara sighed. Naruto had a darker side in him. Possibly because of the shinigami touching him. He had known about the shinigami, and her cursed touch. Anyone who she touched could go crazy. Naruto's was a little suppressed, but it was there. A crazed Naruto, crazed for power, crazed for victory. But most of all crazed for blood. A craze which would result in the bloodshed of hundreds. A true massacre. Madara sighed, this could heavily help the plan or heavily destroy it, this world was so unfair. 

This world truly was rotten.





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