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It had been 1 damn week. Naruto was having a LOT of troubles. 

Satsuki's cold and hot treatment.

D fucking ranks.

"I am so done." Naruto whispered as they were headed to a house which needed a babysitter. 

Like, whom the fuck hires ninja for babysitting.

Stupid civilians.

Naruto entered the house with his 2 teammates. Kakashi decided to sit on the front porch reading his damned book. 

In short, it was a disaster, utterly and completely. 

With a huge sigh, Naruto took the 1-year-old in his arms and put the baby bottle in his mouth. 

Satsuki looked at him, in wonder. 

'He will make a damn good father.' 

She blushed as she got back to preparing the bed for the baby. 

Once the baby was full, Naruto handed him to Satsuki who lulled him, Naruto couldn't help but think the same thing. 

He sighed as he made his way outside along with Satsuki. Only to see Sakura fixing the mess the baby had made. They all sighed as they made their way towards hokage tower. 

"No, old man, give us a damn C-rank" Naruto said, like damn this was wasting his caliber. 

His teammates agreeing with him but not voicing their thoughts. Kakashi also nodded, "I guess they are ready." 

The hokage smiled

"Okay then, send in Tazuna-san" 

A man with a fat belly, and a distinct smell of alcohol walked in. He looked at the genin disapprovingly. 

"These dolts will protect me? An underweight girl, a lost boy, and an emo chick.

Yeah no, not risking my life" Tazuna ranted as he looked at them warily. 

"Mah-mah Tazuna-san, you can have complete faith in my team, they are one of the strongest." Kakashi said as he sweat dropped at his description.

"OK team, pack up and meet me near the gate at sharp 1700 hours, don't forget rations" Kakashi informed as he led Tazuna out of the tower. 

Naruto currently was walking along with his team, they were in a protective formation. 

He and Satsuki in the front, Kakashi along with Tazuna and Sakura in the back.

"Hey Satsuki-chan, I wanted to know something" Naruto says as he looks at the raven haired girl expectantly

"What is it?" Satsuki asks as she gets her gaze to meet Naruto's blue eyes. 

"Have you forgiven me? Because it not fun getting the cold and hot treatment" 

Satsuki smirked, "of course I have, I really couldn't resist after seeing the way you begged me. And as for the treatment it's fun watching you get irritated" She added slyly. 

"Fucking loser" Naruto commented as he too smiled, "Thank you." 

Kakashi on the other hand noticed a puddle on the ground.

A puddle without rain? Fucking dumbasses. 

Kakashi wanted to test his little genin though.

As the whole group passed the puddle, two ninjas appeared behind them and threw their long scythes-chains at Kakashi, who purposely stood there. 

As soon as it cut Kakashi in halves, the genin turned back, panicked. 

Sakura started shivering as the reality of the situation dawned in on her. "Sakura-chan, protect the client, Satsuki follow me" Naruto said in a tone full of authorization. 

Satsuki nodded, as she ran after Naruto with a kunai in her hand. Naruto jumped up and pulled his blue tinted sword from his katana holder and lunged forward. The attacker urged at him, his steel claws aiming for Naruto's head.

"Null" Naruto muttered under his breath, as his body flickered a little and the weapon missed its mark. With one swift downward slash, Naruto cut off the man's right hand. 

The man's eyes widened. In pain and anger, in a frantic notion the man punched Naruto, who blocked it with his hand, big mistake. The poison traced claw hit his hand as it started bleeding. 

Naruto, after regaining his balance, continued the onslaught which wasn't too tough considering that his opponent didn't have an arm anymore. 

Satsuki went for the other guy, she took the kunai as she parried all the blows with excellence. The man seemingly getting frustrated lunged at her with his chain scythe. Satsuki smirked. 

She backflipped and maneuvered herself, landing behind the man, facing his back. That was the opening she needed, with two swift slashes she made deep gashes in the man's back who fell down. 

Kakashi appeared in front of them in a poof of smoke, he smiled. "Good job, I must say I am impressed by all three of you. Sakura you accepted you aren't strong enough right now and focused on protecting Tazuna, Naruto and Satsuki fought excellently." 

Sakura sighed in relief, thanking god that Kakashi was still alive. Satsuki nodded, "Hn" she replied. 

Naruto started getting dizzy, "fuck" he cursed as he fell down on his knees. "The claws had poison." Kakashi stated as he made his way toward Naruto. 

Naruto seethed in pain as he held the gash on his hand. Kakashi took Naruto's hand, "I know a little bit of medical ninjutsu" he said as he hovered 2 fingers over Naruto's hand and applied chakra to it.

A green color omitted from his hand as seemingly the gash started to stop bleeding. Then he took out some bandages and wrapped Naruto's palm. "There" Kakashi sounded satisfied. 

Then Kakashi's whole demeanor changed, he walked to the chunin brothers and tied them around a tree.

"Demon brothers, am I right? Who has sent you here?" Kakashi asked menacingly. The armless one of the brothers said in fear, "G-gato, he is a tyrant who has taken over the wave village." 

Kakashi glared at Tazuna with his single eye. "Why were they after you?" he asked him. Tazuna shivered under his glare. "I am a bridge builder, if my bridge is completed, we will recover from the losses and throw Gato over, he wants to stop that." Kakashi sighed.

"We are heading back to the village, this is no longer a C-rank" Kakashi stated to his genins.

Naruto got up, still feeling a little dizzy. "No Kakashi-sensei, we will not, at least me, I will not leave Tazuna behind. People like Gato are the reason the complete Shinobi world is in chaos. I will complete this mission, on my own, if I have to." 

Satsuki 'hnned' as she made her way next to Naruto. Sakura was confused, should she listen to her sensei, or should she follow her teammates?

"Kakashi-sensei, those who break the rules are trash, but those who leave their comrades are worse than trash." 

Kakashi's eyes widened. 'Obito'. . . fuck.

Kakashi sighed. He nodded, as his chest swelled up out of pride, "OK my cute little genin, we shall finish this mission." 





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