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Ice started to entrap Satsuki as she stood, stuck to one place, in horror. 'You have got to be kidding me' she cursed internally. The ice started taking form of rectangles and soon formed a dome around her. 

"Now you have no chance to escape, please give up" Haku tried to persuade Satsuki, but to no avail. Satsuki grimaced as she got in a fighting stance. 

Suddenly, Haku hurled piercings at Satsuki, who was dumbfounded by the speed of them. She barely managed to dodge. Haku started moving towards her ice mirrors, she stepped into one, and soon she started moving through them at such high speed that it seemed like she was in each one. 

Satsuki calmed herself down, she pulled out here kunai. "I will end you, I swear" she spat and threw at a mirror, the kunai just bounced back, stupidly.

"Stop this tomfoolery. Give up." Haku said again. "Keep wishing" Satsuki hurled another kunai, this time at the flashes which were the movement of Haku but couldn't hit her.

Suddenly Haku threw more spikes which impaled Satsuki all over the body, this time around she did not get up again.

Everything was paining, Satsuki couldn't move any more. She was squirming on the ground but found it impossible to move. 

"Satsuki!", she let out a sigh of relief, it was him. 

A mirror broke as Naruto charged in, looking up he saw Haku.

"I am Haku-" 

"I don't care who you are, die already" with that threat he charged in ready to kill her.

There were many spikes ready to impale him, but all he did was flare his chakra, and they fell like leaves.

He punched a mirror, but nothing happened.

"So this is what it is" Naruto sighed as he flared his right eye. Sharingan.

All it took was one glare and a mirror turned to dust. Haku became startled. 

"What is this power" she said in awe. 

Naruto proceeded to destroy every mirror until only he and Haku were left. 

"This is it, now die." Naruto growled as he plunged forward, Haku parried each and every blow, or at least tried to.

Naruto's rage overpowered Haku easily, she was having a hard time even seeing his hands.

Then they heard a cackle, soon ensued the sound of a thousand birds. Haku's eyes widened, she was about to perform a jutsu, but Naruto pinned her down. 

"You better not pull anything funny" 

There was a sickening sound as a groan was heard.

Blood spurted from Zabuza's mouth as the light in his eyes dimmed, and there he died whispering his last words.

"Haku, you make me happy" 

"NO! Zabuza-Sama" Haku shrieked as she tried to run forward but was caught under Naruto, she pushed and twisted but to no avail. Naruto hit her on the neck knocking her down.

He got up and ran towards Satsuki,

"Satsuki, are you fine" he said as he got on his knees and put her head on it gently. She weakly nodded, Naruto rubbed the blood from her face. 

"I am so sorry I wasn't here when you needed me" he apologized, feeling a guilt pang in his heart.

"So, Zabuza, you died, huh? Well, I should have expected something like that, you were good for nothing." A loud voice boomed throughout the dispersing mist.

"That is Gato" Tazuna stated grimly. 

"So he is the problem?" Naruto questioned, on seeing Tazuna nod, he looked at Satsuki.

"Give me a moment, will you, Satsuki-Chan?" He said as he got up. 

He walked slowly and nimbly.

"Gato, I will kill you." Naruto declared as his right eye morphed into a purple shade, a spiral pattern morphed, as he stared down Gato.

I don't know my rinnegan ability yet, but after this fight, I am sure I will.

He charged forward, rinnegan spinning rapidly.

What then occurred was what one would call a massacre, straight from a horror film. Bodies fell left and right, limbs severed, heads severed. In the middle of all the chaos stood Naruto.

Swiping furiously with his sword.

"Kid, I understand your rinnegan now" Kurama said firmly. Naruto ignored him to caught up in battle. 

"The sharingan helps you destroy non-living things, things with no chakra. The rinnegan on the other hand, seemingly a perfect match for your sharingan helps you destroy everything that has chakra laced to it." 

Naruto stopped right in the middle. His thoughts running wild. 

"Provided your target is weaker than you, or has lesser chakra than you. Otherwise, it will be small damages. On the other hand, now you can deactivate your rinnegan, thus you will have it activated all the time, you can switch out abilities, but I would advise you to cover it so you don't destroy anything in a fit of rage." 

Naruto nodded, he had no control over his eyes. But this was interesting.

He stared down a man charging at him, in a blink of an eye, the skin on his face started cracking up, and soon it vanished, leaving ashes behind as the man fell on his knees.

"M-monster" a man whispered as others shouted the same. Running around fearing Naruto's power, jumping in the sea so that they don't die.

Gato panicked, he got ready to jump too, but he couldn't move. 

"Almighty pull." Naruto whispered as everything around him started coming to him, including Gato.

Falling on his knees, Gato begged Naruto to spare his life, all he received was a cold stare which was enough to kill him, literally.

Gato was nowhere to be found in the next few seconds.


Haku, now, swore to protect this village as she was rescued by the people there. Naruto and group had left, wishing her good luck. The bridge was named the Naruto bridge. Everyone liked the name, so did Naruto. While Naruto Left the village, everyone established a bridge in his name. 

"The great Naruto bridge."



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⏰ Last updated: May 13 ⏰

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