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Haha... sup I gave an exam this morning, well I hope today is still Saturday (if you know what I mean) anyway enjoy! (man I changed the fucking upload schedule so i will be uploading at least once a week)

"Naruto, it has been so long I-I just-" 

"It's fine old man, I am back in one piece so that's all that matters, I suppose."

"Yeah, that's what matters." Sarutobi said with a tired chuckle as he sat down.

"So, what have you been up to?" Sarutobi asked.

"Nothing much, Madara-sensei died and I made up my mind to come here."

Sarutobi nodded and continued, "So, do you know what power level you are at?"

"Listen old man, I literally have zero experience but if you ask by power I may be at special jonin."

"I see, tomorrow you will give the genin exam and will climb up the ladder like any other genin will. I hope you get along with your team and your apartment will be given to you later but till then you can stay at the guest house which is obviously, free of cost."

"Mm OK" Naruto agreed with confusion. As he was about to leave, Sarutobi's voice called him.

"And Naruto, welcome back."

Naruto smirked as he disappeared with a pop.

Sarutobi chuckled as he rested his back and cracked his knuckles as he was happy. He hoped Naruto would be loyal to the village till the end. He hoped. . . 


Naruto sighed, he was sitting on top of a building, with a bowl of ramen, as the smell of fried chicken hit him he smiled 'good fucking food'. He sighed with satisfaction as he dug in on his treat and guess what, he loved it.

'Ichiraku huh, what style, what flavour, just perfection, it almost feels badass'

Naruto sighed as he couldn't help but feel that the bowl was finished all too soon.

He looked up at the sky, it was dark.

He sighed as he jumped up in the sky and fell down, head first.

While falling, he caught a boy looking at him from the ground with mixed emotions.

Naruto smirked as he landed with elegance in front of the boy, "Sup!" Naruto greeted him with a small smile.

The boy looked at him in admiration, "Hi, my name is Konohamaru, what's yours?" 

The boy, Konohamaru questioned, Naruto chuckled.

"It's Naruto, kid. What are you doing here so late?"

"Nothing really, I am just waiting for my sensei to come back, he is in that store"

"Oh, so are you a ninja?"

"No, I didn't even join the academy till now, but I will be the Hokage one day and take the hat from my grandpa!"

Naruto chuckled with the slightest amount of surprise.

"Kid, first, to become hokage you need to train hard and seeing your scrawny little body I don't even think you can lift a kunai and second, don't get discouraged, keep believing that you can still do it and third, you can't take the hat from your old man."

This caused the boy to look down in discouragement.

"You can never take the hat, you need to earn it, the hat will be given to you and for that you need to work, work harder than the rest, finer than the best because every day is a test kid, and you must never ever give up."

Konohamaru looked at Naruto with admiration and respect, in all of his life everyone just took him lightly and played it as a joke, but this man had just respected his dreams.

"Konohamaru!! Come, I am done with my work " 

Some man with a beanie and black sunglasses, he was wearing the standard jonin attire but without the vest.

Kohohamaru waved excitedly at Naruto and left with a hop in his step.

Naruto chuckled as he left to go to the guest house.


Naruto got up as the rays of sun hit his face, he sighed and got out of the bed.

Today was the day he was supposedly going to become a ninja, he had a bath, then dressed in his usual attire and left the guest house.

He was walking to the academy he had navigated the way yesterday itself, so it was no problem.

He soon located the academy with no issue, he saw a man in chunin attire standing on the gate of the academy with a paper. Furthermore, he had a scar running across the top of his nose, had his hair tied in a ponytail and had the konoha headband on his forehead.

As Naruto was near the gate, the chunin approached him.

"Hey, is your name Naruto?" the chunin asked.

"Yes sir, that is me."

"Oh good, come follow me, I am your new class teacher for the day"

"Oh, I see, thank you!"

"No problem, so are you ready for the genin exam?"

"I guess" Naruto replied as he looked up at the sky.


"Everyone listen up, this is Naruto, he will be in this class for the genin exam."

Iruka explained the class as he smiled at Naruto.

"Naruto, would you like to introduce yourself?"

"Yeah sure" Naruto replied as he looked at the class of clan heads and potential ninjas.

"Hello there, my name is Naruto, I like Ichiraku ramen and training, I dislike nothing, but I sure hate something which is people mistreating anyone, my hobbies include goofing around and reading, also pranking."

"My dream is to achieve world peace by any means necessary."

Naruto finished with a smile as he looked at Iruka.

"That's very good Naruto, you can go sit beside Satsuki"

"Hn" came a voice from the corner of the class




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