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Carrying a Naruto was no something Kakashi was used to, he sighed heavily as he looked at the path ahead. "We are almost there" Tazuna declared.

Everyone was making a visible effort to not speak about the elephant in the room, Naruto Uzumaki, everyone except one. 

"Sensei, what happened to Naruto?" the pink haired kunoichi asked. Kakashi looked at her with an unreadable expression, as if she had asked what was underneath his mask. "To be honest, I don't know myself, but if I were to put my money where my mouth is, I would say it's his chakra that's tough for him to control"

Seemingly satisfied with that answer, Sakura quieted down. 

Satsuki was troubled about a whole another thing. 'How did he have the sharingan?' she questioned herself. Before she could make any effort to ask, Tazuna announced that they have reached his house. 

All the Shinobi's entered, as it was relatively late everyone decided to eat and hit the sack, Naruto was placed on his bed, while everyone freshened up. 

"So Kurama?" Naruto questioned. "Well, I have come to the conclusion is that your or should I say Madara's mangekyou's power is to disintegrate anything its user wishes to." 

"Not possible" Naruto retaliated, "It's too dangerous of a power". Kurama sighed, "The gods trusted Madara with it, and now Madara trusts you with it" "what about my rinnegan?" Naruto asked again. "Well, as you don't use it enough, I cannot seem to understand its chakra." 

Naruto got up in the real world, now with his new-found powers things were going to be interesting. He smiled, a crazy one. 

He got up from his bed and walked down to find everyone eating dinner, he sat down beside Satsuki. "Hello, beautiful" he chirped at her, she choked on the soup she was drinking. Naruto snickered as he was given a plate and some food, with a slap from Satsuki. 

Naruto noticed the kid, who was not interested in the ninja's in front of him nor in the food. Naruto shrugged, as he dug in his food. 

After a good night's sleep, all the nin got up early for some chakra training. Wandering in the forest, Kakashi stopped in front of 3 particularly long trees. "My sweet genin we will learn to climb up trees, without hands" he added the last part when Naruto was about to object.

Naruto smiled, "I already know how to do that though" Kakashi did not look surprised, "then teach them and save me the effort" Naruto nodded as Kakashi left with a book in his hand.

"Ok guys listen up, to climb a tree-" "I already know how to do that" Both Sakura and Satsuki butted in. Naruto's sweat dropped, 'why am I surrounded by geniuses' 

"Well then, shall we explore this town?" he asked as he led the way for the two ladies.

Making their way through town, team 3 came across many interesting things. "Naruto, Satsuki look a fortune-teller!" Sakura exclaimed, excited, as she made her way to the small stand. 

"Welcome young people, mind if I read your hand, will be 10 yen per hand" Sakura nodded as she gave 30 yen and passed her hand forward first.

"Hmm, interesting, you will grow strong to say the least, but... there is pain, yes, a lot of it, you will have to recover. You have a good family in your name, though". Sakura did not know how to respond, she was glad that she would grow strong at least.

Satsuki went next. "Oh, a dark past and a dark future, but I can see a light at the end of your tunnel, oh yes, a beautiful light a divine being I think, and oh a love interest" she looked at Naruto and back at Satsuki knowingly, Satsuki turned as red as a tomato.

Naruto gave his hand forward. The moment she took Naruto's hand, the old woman started shivering. "I see it, or I don't..." Tear started to flow down her closed eyes, and then for the first time in her life, the woman opened her eyes during her practices and saw it.

The pure serenity and divinity in Naruto's eyes, she was in a trance. Naruto smiled at her, with that the woman seemingly lost her mind, she clasped her hands together. "My purpose in life is over, I have seen it all" she whispered as she caressed Naruto's cheeks. "I have seen our savior"

She let go of Naruto's hand and bowed down, Naruto held her by her shoulder "I don't know what you are talking about ma'am, but I will make sure to live up to it" 

with that, the genins made their way back to their staying abode for the day.


"Naruto, the weak have no rights to ask for peace. The rights and the order for peace lies only with those who reside in violence, one who is not capable of violence does not deserve the right to ask for peace. Be strong Naruto, so strong that you and you alone will have the right to ask for peace, so strong that when you say there shall be peace, not one weapon should lift anymore. Peace is an excuse for the weak and choice for the strong."


A/N sorry for updating after a year guys, I had family issues and studies was a stress but I am backkk, hope you all will continue to read. Love you all


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