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"Naruto, tell me why do you think wars are a thing?" Madara asked his disciple.

"I think it's because of our selfish intent, our selfish intent to want more power, our selfish intent to protect the ones we love. We shed blood, blood of the innocent people. But the people too wish us ill. They, too, want our bloodshed just as much as we to theirs. . . Thus blood shall be shed."

Madara nodded. "This world needs to Wake up to reality! Nothing ever goes as planned in this accursed world. The longer you live, the more you realize that the only things that truly exist in this reality are merely pain. Suffering and futility. Listen, everywhere you look in this world, wherever there is light, there will always be shadows to be found as well. As long as there is a concept of victors, the vanquished will also exist. The selfish intent of wanting to preserve peace initiates war. And hatred is born in order to protect love. There are nexuses causal relationships that cannot be separated. A world of only peace, a world of only victors, a world of only love. You shall create such a world Naruto for you are the son of a legend and student of a god."

Naruto nodded. Determination shining through his eyes. His burden was indeed too much for his age. But he will carry it, he will carry it gladly for as long as he was alive.

The 12-year-old sighed as he got up from the lotus position. He had been with Madara for the past 7 years. He had learned quite a few things.

Chakra control as Madara had said was a must. Each and everyday Naruto would train rigorously led by Madara.

Naruto had become strong, he could keep his own in a fight with jonins Madara dreams expected more though.

Sometimes Naruto had wondered how it would have been back at his home. Would he still be this strong, or would he have finally been accepted? He would never find out.

He did miss his innocence, he was perfectly fine without knowing the true nature of the world. But alas, the time had passed, he was no longer the same innocent boy who knew nothing. Madara had perhaps destroyed him while helping him. Back then, when he thought of his future self, he thought of a strong man, who was hokage.

Now when he thinks about his future, he can't help but see a destroyed man, who has saved the world at the cost of himself.

"Naruto, there are enemies" Madara alerted Naruto. 

Naruto made his way outside to see a few mist ninja's probably on a mission taking rest there. 

"You can't take rest here, kindly leave." Naruto pleaded as he stepped out of the cave. Madara wanted no one near them. Apparently it destroyed their 'flow'. 

The jonin looked up, irritated. "This brat will tell us what to do?"  One of them mocked Naruto as he got up, trying to intimidate Naruto.

The 12-year-old sighed. For the 100th time that day.

"You leave me no choice" 

Naruto charged at the 3-man cell. On cue, they too got in their battling stance. Naruto weaved hand signs while charging at them.

"Katon: gouka mekakyu" He shouted, in one large breath he exhaled a gigantic fireball, which covered 15 feet off the ground and went extremely broad. 

When all the smoke cleared, there stood 3 heavily charred and burnt up jonins. They all struggled as they got up in an effort to run. "Don't kill us" They begged. Naruto gave a simple wave of his hands as he watched them walk away.

Naruto made his way inside. "Did you kill them, Naruto?" Madara asked as he looked at him expectantly.

"They escaped before I could." Naruto lied. 

Madara looked at him. Gazing deeply into his soul. In the end, he decided against whatever he wanted to ask and let him be.

Naruto was tired, in one more year he would be going back to Konoha to finally start his mission. It scared him, he had to admit he had grown close to Madara. This was hectic. 

"Naruto, what do you think one should always prefer no matter what is in the way?" 

Naruto looked at Madara. Madara always asked Naruto questions which would force him to think, think about everything. Question his already set in morals, twist them and make them new.

"The truth" 

"And what if the truth kills them, Naruto?" 

"If the truth shall kill them, let them die. . ." 





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