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"Jee-san" Naruto called for Madara who turned to look at his disciple walking into the small cave. 

"What is it?" Madara asked as he looked at the little white haired boy, who was staring at the ground nervously. 

With his feet shuffling, Naruto said: "there is a voice in my head, it tells me to do evil stuff. It tells me to try everything. It told me to kill those ninja's from rain village" 

Madara's eyes widened. 'Is the seal loosening, what is the kyubi up to now.' 

Seemingly as though Naruto had read Madara's thoughts, he instantaneously replied,

"It's not the big fox in the sewer" 

Madara snapped his eyes back to Naruto, who stood there. All his nervousness vanished in thin air. He stood there staring, staring deep into Madara's eyes. Naruto's eyes showed no hint of hesitation.

Madara immediately activated his sharingan and looked once in the boy's eyes and was sucked into the sewer like place. 

"The legend himself has come to pay a visit to me, I must say I am humbled" the kyubi grumbled as he stared at Madara with all the hatred he could muster. 

Madara stared back just as intensely, "What are you up to kyubi, he is just a boy" Madara shouted. 

Kyubi seemingly amused laughed. "I used to think, for the past century, that I am the mightiest demon there is ever to exist. I was under the influence that I was the darkest creature in the history of creatures, and was proud of it."

"What are you getting at?" 

"I was wrong, Uchiha Madara!" the kyubi roared with thunder. "I was wrong, the true demon. . . .  Is the boy himself. . ." 


Now, the trio and Kakashi was in the training grounds. "OK, my cute little genin" Kakashi started, "let's start with introductions shall we?" 

"Why don't you go first, sensei?" Sakura suggested, much to the dislike of Kakashi.

But with no other choice, he started, "I am Hatake Kakashi, I like nothing in particular, I dislike nothing and my goal is none of your business" 

The three fresh genin just sweat-dropped at that introduction, but ignored it. 

"Pinkie go first" Kakashi signalled. 

Sakura scowled at the nickname, but continued. "I am Haruno Sakura, I like reading, learning medical ninjutsu and shopping, I dislike being treated badly, my hobby is spending time with my parents, my goal is to become a person my parents are proud of." 

Kakashi nodded and signalled for Satsuki to go, who 'hnned' and continued. "I am Uchiha Satsuki, I like nothing, I dislike everything, my hobby is training, and my goal-no, my ambition is to kill a certain someone and restore my clan" 

Kakashi had expected this, but damn, this girl was hell-bent on revenge. 

Naruto started without wasting any time.

"I am Naruto. My goal is to achieve world peace by any means necessary." 

"Why didn't you tell us your likes, dislikes, and hobbies, Naruto?" Kakashi questioned.

"Because, sensei. There is only me and my goal. Nothing in between." 

Kakashi nodded, this kid had determination stronger than any he had ever seen.

Common Enemy - A Naruto fanfic (narutoxfemsasuke)Where stories live. Discover now