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After the dreadful experience of shopping, Naruto, Satsuki and Sakura walked towards their respective houses.

"OK guys, this is where I leave, I will see you tomorrow morning" Sakura bid them goodbye, as she left.

Satsuki and Naruto walked quietly, both of them wanting to talk about something to break the tension between them. 

"I will have to go to the hokage tower, Satsuki-chan. I am afraid I will have to leave you here." Nauto spoke. Satsuki gave him a questioning look. 

"I don't yet have a home, I have to ask the old man for permission to stay in the guesthouse."

"You can come to my house for the night, loser" Satsuki suggested with a faint redness to her cheeks. Naruto smiled, and nodded his head and followed her. 

"So, Satsuki-chan, where do you live?" Naruto questioned, just to make some small talk, on getting no response he dropped it. 

Naruto made no further attempts in making small talk, he didn't like to admit it, but he had to say he had grown a small crush on the uchiha. Maybe it was because of the same background they shared, maybe because both of them were alike yet different. Naruto shook his head and looked at the said uchiha. 

Suddenly, it clicked to Naruto. She was 'her', the girl Naruto had met all those years ago when he was 5. Naruto remembered the faint memories of them playing together in the sandpit, making stories up in their head and acting them out. He remembered Itachi being one of the few people kind to him.

Familiarity does lead to liking. 

Naruto smiled, a big lopsided grin. Even though he knew this realization had only dawned upon him, he was content, he seemed to be happy to meet his childhood friends after all these gruesome years. 

"What are you smiling for, idiot?" 

Naruto shook his head, "nothing in particular, Satsuki-chan" Naruto cooed as they made their way up the stairs to Satsuki's two-bedroom flat.

The flat itself was monotonously decorated, with the uchiha clan sign on the left wall, a cupboard on the right and a bed in the middle. She had a large balcony just in front of her bed, which led for the sunlight to come in. 

There was a small door in the right corner of the room which led to the spare room. 

There seemed to be a kitchen attached to the main room. 

Naruto made his way over and closed his room door.

He sighed, this was a long day, 'oh fuck I don't have my night clothes' he remembered. With no other choice, he took off his white kimono. 

Now he was in nothing but his pants, his whole upper body now naked. Naruto liked the feeling of freedom he was feeling, suddenly, Satsuki barged in. As soon as she laid eyes on Naruto, her heart skipped a beat. 

There, Naruto was sitting with his kimono off, looking like a Greek god. She couldn't help but notice his well-defined, toned back. All the cuts his muscles made on his skin. She could see the muscle's rippling as Naruto jolted his head back, further giving a better view of his well toned chest and his chiseled abs. 

Satsuki blushed heavily, "th-the food is ready" she muttered and left abruptly. Satsuki walked hastily to the dining table and sat down. To her surprise (and pleasure) Naruto walked out of the room still shirtless. 

Naruto sat down across Satsuki and thanked her for the food. He couldn't help but smirk as he noticed Satsuki's eyes staring at Naruto's body every 5 seconds. 

"Am I that appealing" Naruto said cockily as he smiled. "You sure are" Satsuki surprisingly flirted back, which caught Naruto off guard. 

The rest of the dinner, both of them ate in silence. Making no effort to speak. Satsuki was enjoying the view she was having, she was eyeing Naruto like she was the hunter and Naruto her prey.

After a few more moments, Naruto's dinner ended. He got up and left to his room, this time making sure to lock it. 

Satsuki too finished her dinner, and made way to her bed. 

She couldn't help but wander back to seeing Naruto's well chiseled body, she blushed for the last time today and drifted off to her sleep


Satsuki woke up with a jump, her whole body was covered in sweat. She sighed.

"Bloody nightmare" she whispered to herself, it was 4 am. She always had a nightmare about that night, that night when her family was massacred. She made way to get some water.

Expecting to hear Naruto snore, she attached her ear to the door, but on hearing nothing, she got suspicious. 

"Looking for me?" a voice startled Satsuki she turned around to see Naruto covered in swear still bloody shirtless. "Where were you?" she questioned him.


He answered as he sat down on the chair, to cool himself off. 

"I am going to take a shower" Naruto stated as he made his way to the bathroom. Satsuki too got some water and decided to get ready. 

As Naruto walked out in the hall, he saw Satsuki, dressed. She was wearing a black crop top, which flowed down till her belly, and she wore tight black leggings. Naruto couldn't help but notice Satsuki's huge bottom, he blushed a little.

Satsuki turned around to see Naruto wearing a hakama, which closely resembled anbu pants. He had wrapped bandages ranging from his calf till the top of his ankle, to top it off Naruto wore a black kimono which was loosely tied giving a full view of his chest. He had bandages wrapped on his forearm, from his elbow till his wrists. 

They both grabbed their headbands and made their way through the rooftops, when the clock hit 5. 

They landed on the clearing only to see Sakura and the rest of the selected genin already present there.

"Satsuki-chan" Kiba Squealed as he made his way towards "how do you feel about a date?" he asked smugly.


Naruto snorted, Kiba glared at him. 

Soon the teachers arrived, all except Kakashi, they took the respective teams and left. 

"Where is he" Sakura shouted grumpily, Naruto decided to ignore everything and sleep.

Satsuki on the other hand was walking around, this place bought some distant memories to her which she seemed to have forgotten, she remembered a kid, a blonde kid who she used to play with. She remembered having a nice childhood friend, it was a distant memory, with no roots to explain it, it had all been lost with Satsuki's once joyful personality.

She saw a park, it was an old park just next to the library. It had monkey bars, a dome like structure with ladders beside it, it had swings, and a sandpit. She remembered this park, it was the place she has some of the best memories with.

She tried hard to remember with whom, though. But she had no clue.

Some people, are like that. They come for a certain period of time and leave. As time goes on, you slowly start to forget them, but the hole in your heart created by their absence will forever be present. Some people leave, but the unstoppable marching of time continues...........

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