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Everyone was at the dinner table, enjoying the homemade food. Inari seemed rather disturbed, he was questioning the ninjas in front of him. 

As a toddler, he loved his father to death. But with his death, Inari could not cope up, he changed. His love for people and trust deteriorated, such things were to be expected from a child on the loss of his loved one. 

But to live is to feel pain.

"Why are you all here? You all do not understand anything about us or about our village. You all pathetic people come from rich places, belonging to happy families, do you even have a slight idea how we village people feel with no ability what-so-ever to do all the stuff that you all do? We were born weak, we have no support from ourselves. Then people like you come and spit at us, taking a fat amount of money.

"You are not heroes, just a bunch of losers, trying hard will not get you anywhere. Gato has more people, and put against you 4, you all are dead, just leave us and let us be in peace." 

Naruto slowly got up from his chair, looking at the child with an unreadable expression. He felt the sadness the boy was holding onto. 

But sadness is sometimes stupid.

"Boy, we are not here to sympathize with you. We are here to complete this mission and get a pay out of it. We do nothing different from what your grandpa does. You have no right to comment on someone who is out here trying to help you, putting a risk to their own life. We are not heroes, we are people. And it is you who has no idea about us, we live in horror, fighting nightmares every night. 

"Do you know what It's like to get up to no family? All of us here live alone and fight alone, people have died in front of us, we get through it because that is life. And you who has a loving mother and grandpa have no rights to tell us that you are the one in agony." 

Naruto scoffed, he pushed the chair back and left the house. Inari stood dumbfounded, tears of frustration leaving his eyes. The silence started becoming deafening, Inari's mother comforted him as he cried silently. The ninjas on the table too were quiet as a mouse.

 Kakashi cleared his throat, "I will go check up on him". He got up and left the house too, only to see Naruto to be sitting at the porch. 

"Hey, how are you feeling?" He asked his student. 

"I don't know, I don't feel angry just, just. . . I don't know." 

Kakashi nodded, he patted Naruto's head. "It's okay Naruto, he is just a child, he will understand.

"We should go to sleep now" with that Kakashi got up and left. Naruto sighed, as he too got up and looked up at the sky.

"What the kid said is not wrong, people with no ninja training have it harder than us." 

With that thought, he retired to his room. 

Naruto slept in.

In normal days, it's fine to sleep in. 

But this was not a normal day. Apparently Momochi, according to Kakashi, was to attack today.

Naruto slept in, while his friends were on the bridge helping the bridge builders. 

Naruto got up with a jolt, he had heard a scream coming from downstairs, he ran down to see the little kid holding a crossbow standing in front of his mother, protecting her against two strangers.

One was dark-skinned, tall, and well-built. While the other was light skinned and scrawny.

"What is happening here?!" Naruto asked in emergency as he jumped from the stairs and landed beside Inari. 

"T-they are attacking u-us" Inari spilled out. Naruto stared at the strangers, a menacing stare.

"Shoot" Naruto said calmly, as he got no response he said again. "Inari shoot, weapons aren't meant for threatening, shoot the arrow." 

Inari stood there, taken in by fear, fear of taking a life, fear of the consequences.

"INARI, SHOOT!" Naruto shouted, Inari who was startled, regained his composure and aimed, without warning he pressed the trigger.

A dull sound ensued.

The dark-skinned man fell to the ground, limp. 

Naruto did not waste a second, he charged at the scrawny one and crushed his esophagus with his bare hands. 

"Where the hell is Naruto!" Satsuki shouted while fighting the fake nin called 'Haku'.  She was fighting with ninja, which was not a big deal. But seeing the situation on the bridge and Kakashi's condition, she had a bad feeling.

"Calling for help already?" Haku taunted. "Oh, I am going to show you, bitch" Satsuki lunged at Haku, using her kunai slashing frantically at her face. 

Haku dodged everything perfectly, seemingly with no effort. Satsuki weaved hand signs at lightning speed, "Katon: goukakyou" she shouted and blew a fireball which hurled towards Haku. 

With that she charged at her, Haku dodged it, barely. Just then, Satsuki held the left hand. "Well now you cant weave hand signs" she said with a smirk.

"Oh, just how wrong you are" 

Haku weaved hand signs with her right hand alone, Satsuki's eyes widened.

"Hyoton:demonic mirroring ice crystals" 


A/N hope you all enjoyedd, see you all in the next chapter

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