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Why has nobody read my story yet why please god help me please notice me please (god I sound like Sakura) okay any way I have waited for 1 whole fucking day and I didn't get even 1 view? So SORRY for not updating yesterday, I was just having an exam.

Well hope you enjoy please comment and if you like the chapter please vote

"tailed beast talking"

'tailed beast thinking'(Naruto can't hear this)

"person talking"

'Person thinking'

time skip


time skip

Naruto was standing on top of the hokage monument, specifically on top of the first hokage's head. 


"Na-r-ruto-o" Madara let out in a raspy voice, as Naruto ran from his room straight to his grandpa.

"What happened?!" Naruto exclaimed, panic evident on his face. 

"Naruto, this is the last time we will be meeting"


"Naruto I am dying. I do not regret anything and I hope you grow stronger to achieve our dream together"

Madara smiled lightly.

"Naruto your rinnegan", he continued, "It's evolving into something more powerful. Naruto I have planted Hashirama's cells into an uchiha from the leaf village. She may have activated the rinnegan already. Promise me Naruto, promise me that you will protect the uchiha lineage and also achieve world peace."

"Yes! I will do all of it." Naruto cried as tears fell from his left eye, only left.

"Naruto you have the uncanny ability to deactivate the rinnegan, it can be because of the fox or also because of you being the reincarnation of the father of the sage of 6 paths. He was a legendary warrior, very few know about him. You will surpass me Naruto, or at least, I hope you will."


'Hey Kurama, did you get to know about my new eye yet?' 

"Yeah, it is a mixed up version of your mangekyou you got from Madara and the tomo-ed rinnegan you had that you got from him too, it has all mixed up to form the rinnegan with mangekyou patterns. You can still activate your sharingan separately, but this is the only rinnegan you have"

'Any new-sprung abilities? And do you have any updates on the ability of Madara's mangekyou?'

"Not any I could find, but I am still searching and looking for Madara's mangekyou ability. Well I will explain it to you once we are in bed because it could take a while."

"Fine then." Naruto sighed as he jumped down the shodaime hokage's head.

Naruto let himself free fall, feeling the wind hitting every inch of his face.

His clothes flying around due to the wind, he just loved the feeling. Now, by no means Naruto was suicidal. That's a no-no, after all he had a dream to achieve, but he had Kurama with him which mean he wouldn't die, at least not so easily.

Naruto let him self go 'splat' on the ground as blood sprayed all around, he could feel the broken ribs and skull starting to fix already, he sighed as he got up, blood leaking from every pore of his face.

He looked around to see the disgusted and horrified looks of passer-by's 

He simply smirked as the blood reverted in his open wounds and the wounds itself closed. 

'Thanks Kurama'

With that 'fun' experience, he disappeared in a flicker of the body.


Naruto reappeared in front of the hokage tower, surprising the civilians and causing some of them to cover their children's eyes because of the fresh blood dripping down Naruto's face.

He walked in the hokage tower with hands behind his head and a light smile as he had fucking missed this place and he couldn't deny it.

"May I meet the hokage?"

Naruto asked the receptionist politely. 

"I am sorry, the hokage is in a meeting currently."

"Oh, no problem."

Naruto sighed as he sat in the waiting section and planned on getting some shut-eye.


"We have all gathered here today for discussing the death of team 1 and 4. Their jonin leader are in critical conditions. The only team which survived the mission was team 9 which is Neji Hyuga, Rock Lee and Tenten led by Maito Gai.

"We are here today to increase the calibre of our genin." the hokage, Sarutobi Hiruzen said calmly as he looked at the people present before him.

"It is sad, but it is true, the potential of our genin in the past few years have decreased. We need to choose those with promising talent or else they will be killed." Kakashi Hatake stated as he looked at Hiruzen.

"Indeed." Inoichi Yamanaka added on as he too looked at the old hokage.

The said hokage nodded as he looked at his trusty strategist, Shikaku Nara.

The said Nara sighed, "How troublesome. Well the 6 genin died because of 2 main factors. Number one being that they were not trained properly for such a high mission and number 2 being they lacked teamwork.

"One way we could fix this is by making the teammates live together and also increase their training."

The hokage simply rose an eyebrow, as if telling Shikaku to continue. The Nara sighed,

"What I am suggesting is we demolished the old run down library and convert it into a complex so that each team has their own 3-bedroom flat."

"And we can have Hatake-san here prepare an extremely strenuous training regimen for the hand-picked genin.", the Nara finished

The hokage and everyone nodded, "Iruka-san I suggest you make the genin test a tad bit tougher, if you know what I mean" the hokage said as he grinned.

"Meeting adjourned!"


"Hokage-sama you have a visitor" Hiruzen's receptionist announced as she left his office and let the visitor in.

Hiruzen rubbed his temples, he was sure to have a headache after the meeting.

As he looked at his visitor he noticed that he had white hair with a single red strand going down his right side he was wearing a white kimono with black pants. He also had a scarf wrapped around his right hand which had leaf patterns.

He had bandages wrapped till his elbow in both arms and had  gloves too. Furthermore, he was carrying a sword which oddly emitted a blue colour.

"Yes?" Hiruzen questioned, already exhausted.

"Damn, I am slightly stung that you don't remember me gramps."








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